2021年9月9日 星期四

🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊🧊 Yeah, if your story fit to their screen, it means a lot of killing order ...🧊🧊🧊

 You just say what it is correct, so others get killed.

That is how you clean up the entire drugged business...instead of having continue of those....it just kill it all. 

No, no vampire. No ! 

Maybe not even Sanatic Practices in ceremony, like the Classified shows those....ceremony.

Lee is nailed on the Mason, so they police for the first time, hearing me, so near that stuffs, they will check within the border if there are mason types of things.

They are conspiracy theory. 

Its a university name. 

Kinda of like secret society, that SMCH 越南小尼姑 often says it on the TV with the European disciple, their karma, she takes cares of them all, don't you agree?

So the day, I hold all the pixie powers, in-land borders, I will ensure, everything you say, with those girls, better be true, every single word, don't you agree?

If you are not sure 100%, why you open your tongue out and saying it? uhm 越南小尼姑???


 30 years of cult powers, 越南小尼姑, I will tell you, you perfect it so well, its 100 of them lineage, I want them all clear out, every words of it....

That is how Power works.

Don't you agree, the blood never stain enough or else tongue never quitant thirst?

 This new World is built upon the jokes of you, and your colorful ....cloth, not naked yet....

How is your life, so far, feeling it, saying it, inside out, skirt? seamingless sky?

Try to be the person you suppose to all be...I will tell you that much.

The distance of that remote feeling, how you all feel, you are not wanted, or unfitted, you see...friends or classroom, or strange you met, that you hate....

Today I was speaking in Chinese 我今天才講中文

about how others make your hatred people coming back. 我說誰把你們恨的那個人活回來

You cannot even bear to live in this world, about those people you hate, that inside your heart, what sour and pain, to that hatred energy, you say....

leap, bounce, flip...World, its so ....hard working in your spiritual practices.

You really hate them.

So try to forgiving it, like SMCH 越南小尼姑 meaning it to command, all of your doing, are not mericful and forgiving to any of them.

Whatever you see on the TV, what could these be all meant?

Reflection of your life, to reaching a higher ground, so the future lovers, you intend to hold in your arm, you sure, its everything you ever dream of to wish for?

You all just cannot stop and will not stop telling me, how hurtful, anything are.

Everything to you, its hurtful.

oh ! 

Spirit are dull, motion are dull, IQ are dull, cheerfulness are dull, your look are dull, you hear words, you tears inside your eyes.

你們的眼淚在你們的眼眶裏面 !! 



你們的晶瑩剔透的淚水,才層出不窮的每一天,系系念念、斯思維維、大人不計小人過 !! 




提娜倡導文 !




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...