2021年9月14日 星期二

空 沒? Void Yet?


Memory Void = 記憶失去

Momentarily? 瞬間?

Yeah? 是嗎?


片面之詞、如何效法他人執念~反正你不要會有人要的~我都知道呀 !

只是快點直線上來~最後的終點! 呀 !

要戰~動作快一點~你的記憶會失去,你的能量會開始緩慢~眼神開始失去光芒呀 !業障就是思想太多,無法行動~在印度的詞彙就是 Karma Yoga 嘛~ 白癡都會知道呀 !~~呵呵!!!

每一行、每一語~你們跟本就不相信神教~那就一輩子魂魂惡惡的過下去~至少在世間有功名利祿叫做你可以常勝呀 ! 




觀音法門就是輕輕鬆鬆走進去、走出來~是聽不懂嗎 ?

16 年過去了~~你們沒有聽從你們師父~我都知道的!!!






那是什麼求救沒? 4年~ 3 年

UB2020 我在找工作呀 ~一整年弄 YouTuber

and 偶然發現的一天呀 !

那是 2021 ~~~現在九月~叫做二月中旬開始~

我們才算春夏秋冬~只會坐在那邊越南小尼姑空著腦袋叫做無所適從~~是嗎 ?


是要我寫毛筆~坐在哪呀 !????




你們要死了嗎 ? 叫做死前的懺悔!!!

如果有一天我是男的~這是世界上最可恥的事情! 你們有沒有同情心????

knock knock knock knock

knock knock knock knock

knock knock knock knock 

拍 拍 拍 拍 拍
拍 拍 拍 拍 拍

拍 拍 拍 拍 拍 

♫  "Think of you think of me, its just about a dream, 

we come back, no one knows, it just a dream...."  


These small tiny little things called skills even....

唉~ 這種東西叫做浪費我的人生 !!!!

很多種人的人生因為智商很低~它們的心心念念都在情竇初開~在悔於一旦之時就是天命之你我~憎恨之心! 人因為看不到內在~是很恐怖的情緒化的~每一個叫做應該做警察或是消防隊~如果真的就好好把我說~這種低智商曾經做過什麼累積世俗本~人就是炸掉之後無一倖免~

因為真正需要的人是你們的叔叔呀 !

叔叔輩~還沒有輪到我去幹嘛 ! 好像他們還可以!


去把他們的 Cabin 偷出來~一張一張看清楚~所有秘密的機密檔案~




智商夠低的 !


心心念念在於執著~人生本來就是在既定之下的一種決哲,而這一種決擇變成一種一輩子的束腹 ! 

不是嗎 ?

生老病死~在於生生世世~一種無形的業! 所有人都會這樣告訴你們的~ 字要相信~才會有改變命運呀 ! 很多阿姨都會相信~都是業障的關係


才會有所有大言不殘謝呀 !~

 人的一生是一種悲哀~在最後的終點的 grave yard 上面會佔有所謂時事求事~最後的子孫其實那一天他們都在傷感自己的電話~


的花呀 !



 大概好控制的關係! 是敵人說的!



因為不快樂~才能低智商廢話當然不快樂~人生幾時了~就是玩掉天塌下來呀 !


九個頭的瘋子,果然在不久的將來 ... 我窗外的一片天空~叫做沒有視警的炫!

 什麼叫做 400 人生正常嚴肅的態度~我家要被攻擊的上方~是他人之何鄉





你們有看到嗎 ?


Ipad says Eagle 老鷹~這種東西應該不會出現在這裡吧 ? 我告訴你~什麼叫做正常人做正常事情~~~~


真的~ 我已經不想再講了~沒有一樣東西屬於權限之內為什麼我覺得是假的呢?



Why, a person cannot just build one life?

One long life let's say just 100 years?

It save everyone's brain works.

My brain only works that....

That one person you choose to live life, for....he has things around needs to take care of? Its not like its enemy? Is that couple theory, has to be generation hates? 

You should just do a normal person does thing, live life. Not imagine things, how many relationship to have or own, when there are one family can have so many next by side things to do, when you have power and certain connections to make everyone's life a little better.

Everyone is working hard for life, you could see it, you were one of them.

So help them, whom you used to know, as the relationship turns sour....just like everyone says so many times...so useless to even talk about why there is a relationship to begin with?

Everyone at certain maturity, all knows, how to provide.

Do you even know what that word really means?

Patience to provide others, selflessly.


Not lies, and trickery, to gamble lifes away, buy drinks?

One of those Asali things. 阿莎力 things.

Business built because you have connection to sustain a family. Whichever family of that is?

Just making my brain simpler, I am telling you. How family to provide, only you yourself trying to help each whom you met, or not met, their life, because others are friends, to feel better.

What's wrong with others to feel better???

Making more money, feel better to provide, just eating a meal, to use that credit card, wtihout me having to get an account, I feel better already, I gonna cry.....

How you all becomes....


Maturity....being responsible, and Tax payer, head house.

Tax ID head house.

IRS in America?


Purchasing a home, getting a morgage, talking to the bank, wire the money like you checking it, every documents, of every lines.

I didn't know....I used to be in Amherst, that one plaza, bank and shoe places, and mall.

You go around and around and around that area so many times....

Its around and around, walking in walking out bank door.

Walking in walking out the bank door.

Walking in walking out the bank door. They are the most important things in life, not lovers.....

not really....

That is the plaza of Sheridan, DMV, next to Dr. Willi Turtle....one of those, every exit, i know of...

every entrance of to...Chinese store, broken road....you have to count life why its so simple, its one plaza there, everywhere connected....

I bet they have to tell me, that is ilegal to do things?

Going all around? Military occupied yet?




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...