Like Harry Potter 11 years old he attends the real magic school?
So 2021 its 7 years almost to 8th year.
What do I think Harry Potter whom else getting married, and they themselves are narrowtive ?
oh ~~~
That? Every side character getting married except the One? He is a monk supposed to be.
And Harry Potter has a Self invitation letter. Normally a public statement like that....Self married to Self.....jokingly? Then 商鞅 and 妲己
Are you sure they are still together???
When did I say that? Long while ago.....Because that story I flip on the internet how I Ching comes about was that Ruthless king kill 2 out of 3.
Harry Potter .....that is you cannot kill any.
No, I know what I did.
Its called the Comet Contract Money, that was 2015.
Contract Comet Money got tear apart.
Ison !!!
I would think 10 years more? To see if I grow up? My face?
How funny....ISON sounding is like Sadness. 哀傷
Like the ghost.
ISO= 4 groups organic chemistry
oh ~~~I am teaching that.... ISON??????
oh no ~~!!!!