2021年8月10日 星期二

❄️❄️I finishing eating ❄️❄️❄️

 Wing, so do you talk to Ola, like you are a professional, or you are her friend?

What do you do for a living, by the way? Research, lecturing, in front of the stage?

I do nothing ! Every Single Day, its to yell at people for my heart content.

I told Ola a lot of things, I hope she would become female leadership for real, but ....I was trying to. So I directly going to her, I would never go to you, to make her become? She can be dead, and never talk again, her things i talk to her straight, but I don't think she is listening whatsoever....there are comic books, movies, 123 or painting, or, she can describe 仙劍雲之凡 with Mat?

I got Lee? 

Lee is very articulate. He finish his undergraduate with Master? something combine? He is very clear in his language. Ola has no voice....like I get jealous to tell Lee, myself, or he found out himself, just by hearing me saying that out loud on the webpage...

But you and Simon? You call Simon?

If I was in your position, Wing, I do things by commands only?

Like someone gives me an order, a command, an implication? Straight forward? America is where? Legal lousy system? meaning sent it in, I win 1000%?

oh !!!~~~~~

真的好簡單的世界~我只需要 ....

做什麼 implication?



只需要說 magic words?

所以 Wing, 你在家裡講中文嗎? 意思就是你有沒有看過 柯南? 新一?

那妳在家裡都在幹嘛 ?

你有鍛鍊身體~我知道呀 ! 但是你..怎麼會在 underground robot fighting? Your parents 好像不是那種聽到看到不找我家長~或是找我的那種人!那他們人呢?

我的電話是壞掉的嗎 ? 沒有呀 ! 

那如果我寫下來~然後有一個人叫做趙又廷!聽說他是 ABC 但是我一直問他同樣的事情,他都不會聽到煩嗎 ? 就是如果我寫下來~人家是看著我的字,他聽音~中文,然後他重複念出來,在他們演戲的地方,他拿著東西,他不知道他在電視上面嗎 ?那你現在是你父親母親家裡哪一個親人~你只有你們是家人嗎 ? 他們沒有關係的人存在水牛城?

他們你需要念給你聽,我跟你說了什麼嗎 ?


 Mark Chao

I was looking on the video on the Right, someitmes I type and listening to the Song.

There is a right column of a list of display video.

Cherish = 珍惜 ( URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKuk0EwWew0 )

Do you Wing actually watching these home, when you growing up, at Buffalo, Amherst, NY?

Erin lives not too far from you, at Sheridan, driveway broken, with her landlord. I gift him the plant I have, I go to Toronto!!! 

Her house is a mess. 

我認識他們? 我不認識 Wing, I went to a lot of restaurant, are from Erin's idea. She has her thai friends, chinese friend. We went to a Halloween, pumpkin events.

Mark is Canada ABC, too tall guy, for American? Is that really different Canadian, or American Tall guy ABC, Wing? 趙又廷 at least you know or you recognize his Chinese name yet? 

那如果我打中文,你通常要等一下妳的爸媽念給你聽,是這樣嗎 ?~ 喔! 小鬼小和尚~的基本功課我其實沒有印下來! 我寫下來他們須'要做的筆記本,成語~我罵的太生氣,我其實不是每一個都寫,我在講 Hank 的事情,他們再美國弄完是我再問他我寫了什麼成語,這些小孩好像去貼牆壁,大概一個那種一個寺廟,聽了什麼講了這麼多,基本功! 到底是聽到哪裡去了! 

 Ancient Chinese 成語

所以他們去上學 Wing In 5 Years, Where you parents think? 你爸媽覺得在五年的他們!會是你聽不懂的中文他們唸給你聽嗎 ?


 Her name is 小布來妮

I used to be very very different, greek in every American name. Absolutely greek, hearing is greek, writing is greek, translating into Chinese for sure its a very very long symbols words greek.

Very very hatred towards any hollywood star. But she and Keanu Reeves are on TV commerical all the time.

We used to called them MTV. 

Not Slam Dunk, MVP

MTV music video, I am not sure if they called that in American production company.

Here in Taiwan, 在台灣妳要說 這是所謂的 MTV他們製作宣傳的東西

Its propeganda their music activties, like going to radio. I used a lot of radio in that time, learning English at 9 olcock at night, and like night bus driver....

like night drivers....if you know whom are on radio.

Its a channel, they put nice music on it.

I have a radio in my room, that my mother decorate it well. I am not sure we change our house and there is a lot of decoration, looking very nice design. So to be honest, living in America, or nick's house...its ...never really used to.

Taipei is metropolitan. When I was younger, I prefer things looks nice.

Austin and Wendy's house more luxury. We go there before. Austin has his own room, his sister too. 

What they design here, in some richer family, kids room, suppose....to be designed well.

At least I have that much attitude, I will just tell you all...don't try to make yourself less degree your parents hoping you never will, to believe street sleeping, next by a tree.

So tell me... of all these happening, you hear things...


What do you think this?



我跟他站在一起嗎 ?他從來沒有看過我有 Make-up on my eyes? no, he never sees it. I never seen it too, when I just put it on???

 Anan is not bad. Nick. To be honest, to be present in front of people, you think... this video meant.


Meaning, if I just tell him, nick, you see my room before yet?

On photo, towards right

On photo, towards left

from my sitting table.

Toward right its a door

Toward left its a Kitchen windows.

I am busy....not guys. Something so real....its ..unforgivable. I have a soft ruler at my desk, long, for my roof....there are paws ink on my desk, I erase it ...There are things, I am busy

I am busy

I am busy

I am busy!!!!!! Cuttie! 

Cuttie, can I tell you something, alone? Like this....Look at me!!!


Do you know, direction of the eyes

There is in my living room, here too. Where I sit was a bug, sittinig there, as I was on the other side of sofa laying down watching TV, Cartoon.

See, where I look at you, Cuttie, but if I look at the camera, its rise up the head up....its a corner

Toward my right, not holding cup, right.

Up, that entire roofy, lines, where is white paint, not door rims.

There was a time, "THEY" did that all the time.

ALL the time!!!

Do you know how long I live here, cuttie?

I promise.....I will kill them all. Different species !!!

Toward the right of my side, was light coming in? That entire outside, its an open space like the birds photo you seen, you can hear, if you sit on my chair, one day, here, to just live a morning through

What do you all say? UB Medical? 

On the magazine? Its called BAZZAR

Cuttie, have you been busy, all day, morning time, at night, entire morning left

morning right

Morning bathroom light, right now, its my reality, that light have 2 switch

I have water sink down, my sink

my sink

not just bath tubes.

I used to clean... too.

Say it again, UB they medical PCAT, not MCAT?

No, no MCAT

I am busy, Cutties, you know they make sound like they pretend how far, is how listening goes, those kind?

They did all kinds things.

These bags of sneak, you remember how much sneak we buy?

Look at my mouth?

The sneak, like chips, or in Taiwan, they have fish strips, smells.

They are dry, strips.

Sneak. you don't know what sneak is, Cuttie? in my mouth, look !!!

I cannot see, I have eye glasses on....which direction is here....Not there. 

Look straight up, if I turn my head right.

One on sofa where I sit, one right in front of on the wall...how far is the TV to my seat? well...I say Wall, I didn't say TV.

Not that different distance anyway, its up!!! cuttie, UP

They are small things with color, like me.

Say it again?

This corner must have a camera, I am looking at....Where these deadly animal lives in there not feed and still live...exactly that corner. My soft rulers long sticks, can push there.

This is a real sneak, nick. I only see these kinds of something called Sneak, not American sneak.

Those? ...on TV?

oh ~~~ those chips? on TV, are sneak? They had commercial, no one ever ask me how I truly think of them when I grow up.

Cuttie, did we ever buy chips in our house in Cananda?

Do you remember?

WE have an instant noodle.

Cuttie, you know why?
I know why.....When I am busy...

You all cannot sing? Birds sing too? they are not human!!!

Me too !!!!

Cuttie, you know on the right is a window, glass door.

On the left is also a window.

You should be dead ....

Cuttie, there was at night, something at traffic light will do a straight line to all the car from adjcent traffic light about your house to your traffic light, little bit shorten than that. Willis. That traffic light, and a line up car roof at night, will turn red light to green light, to one straight line, I used to have no eye glasses, I thought each car top have something that connects to the traffic light. That turns, all turns green. I want to kill that Annca.....


Say it again?

Cuttie, you know why no one ever talks to me?


or Medical?

Including shower time?

Cuttie, do you know why its in the real life, no where to be exactly safe, or things to just blind eye I look if they show up, and people do things behind them on purpose....

Its so annoying, ...so annoying. They canot see.

Can you tell, nick?

Cuttie, if I want to poison someone.

Its what a chemist should do.

Its to poison people, wish things in front of me.

Yeah check the ingredient first. Its not strong in the dye color....its liquidish, those clear white color....Tina will say its transparent, when she sees roaches. I say sacs...those are white color, not exactly transparent. She told Hank in the car.

Poison like?

I want them all dead... these animals kingdom, they exist, horribly, not just birds

not just birds.

My oven, my oven. my roof, my outside, Penthouse!!!! all surrounding are like a moutain range all around....Cuttie !!!!!! I want to kill them all!!!!!!!! you don't see it at night 9 oclock every single night!!! I scream!!!!!!!!!

Look !!!

Its right above

That thing has a food, he ran!!!!! I tried to think which Russian you should just die.

That corner, Cuttie, I keep saying that corner, that corner.....

If you push the ruler soft long stick on, you can hit it, like tilted it feel. Somethng...its very very easy to access.

What do you all say, we are running a scientific convention at night time better, right....

In the morning, my roof surrounding, if I don't go out, its early... on

If I go out, outside building, you all already know, you do Rabit Hole palace....and? Find the producer to see the Rabit has no water in the girls bathroom?

Eye vision can you see?

Cuttie, those are curses light

You should go and see it, Rabbit Palace

If the MD committeed board just hire someone please to be close to 90 percentile...to imagine I live a life, morning.....real


I will be a singing bugs.....to kills those birds, if singing competition means, me vs them!!!

Wait and see!

I go to sleep......




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...