2021年8月10日 星期二

I used to know the melody of many of their song ....無印良品 Muji

 Middle School, probably ! 

Alice, was saying that she was still loving that same guy first guy she had a crush on.

My middle school? The guy in elementary school, in School Perfect, Boy? Number 8? 余品煥He lives at 和平東路

At that Forest Park Across there....there is a Tree, big Tree, on the way there.

I used to live among trees....Its a reality. All the time, but that part after I went to America, Adam, Trail, or Cananda, Forest all around, at Willis, or at Riverdale, I start to fade away my memory. I used to find trees all the time, forests. Trunks. 

California has a park at night, I walk.

I walk after 2014 every day, those days of battle, I forget I might a personal body assault! 

Tina has a flute teacher, one day, I was underground in the metro area where are the Victoria Secrets Rings locations are, he pass by in front of me.

Oregon, Eben from? I used to be in Seatle, with Danny, Howard, they were....Terry... them. This guy English class was very high, that is why he ended up in Oregon. Looks like this guy next by you. He said just get a gf, and then learn English. He was one of the guys, when we were in Seatlle, all we had was class, and go to cafeteria.

Same as Boston.

Boston was year before

Then Seattle.

These schooling, if just boy and girls gathering, we actually all eat together in the same table, and talk. Many people just talking there .

He is on my photo album, with Danny, Howard, someone, and Terry they were.

Tina's flute teacher is strict. At least I thought he was. Not just because he got hired. He does not look like easy at Tina. 

 My cello teacher makes me cried.

Real. Those instrument outside piano, are not human!



 Ancient Chasez?

It might be long long long long time ago. At those time, being blood born, its destine. When you born into one, you will know. Maybe not as you growing up know. There are life after life things, if you are destine to born with, or is, or were, or will be.

Ancient Chasez, his Siddarthra Next by, Ankeheseamen.

No, Royal like England? Their school?

Normally Royal only talks to Royal, never talk to the civilian. I know they make it looks like...they shake hands to the public, but don't they have other Dukes, Royals, all around with different Title, in England?

I never saying it...but I thought there is Upper class...whatever it may or may not England bound only, those Royal, or other names, or near by, or side, or ...bank are always full? 

England kitchen?

You read Sitesell, Wing? oh ~~ 

No, those little monk 小鬼小和尚跑到英國不知道幹嘛 !一直往廚房跑!! 所有人在那邊的大人就看著他們出現在那裏!!!! with very formal monk robes, so cute looking, so short of them, if I stand at the Kitchen door, looking down. They are so tiny.

No, I would not go on purpose to the Kitchen, they ask me or they lock me up in the kitchen. 

Wherever that might be ?


How is Ola?

Ola Profile, you make a yellow folder yet, to write whatever inside?

To do? With a lot of account, keeping up the pace? 


Do I know PCAT, or MCAT? I know PCAT

You are a pharmacist by now, at teaching level, research? You drive to the on Campus University, Medical Center, or lecture Hall, standing in front of ? They have classroom, with stairs, you have a front stage, do they rise higher on One Ladder height? 

UB no! 

I used to go to write YourFormulaSheet on the Organic Chemistry Classroom.

There is nothing works on that Website. I use Joomla for YourFormulaSheet.com

Not there anymore.

There might a lot of them, now I am thinking of it. Even the America entire University has not just students only. There are faulty, including professors. 

That time Organic Chemistry, was a very few people on it! 

Not that many are making a website, to make that extensive. No.  

Now, I will be thinking about it...Organic Chemistry to some people are very difficult, including to actually lecturing on the Internet, publically?

I am telling them to try, yeah! I told them, trying, until I go to Apple and get my stuffs back with my facebook.

I use the Joomla. I am really lazy to start from the ground to re-do that Organic Chemistry with software one by one, that is why, one day, I might call Apple to get things back. But I told all of them, whom wants to try to make a website, YouTube Channel, including training female leadership, they can just trying to create a channel to out throw that Khan Academia.

There are other competitor, so they might want to see the entire Organic Chemistry landscape.

Some people might want to do something behind. Its not I am so hurried...they have Medical Groups 夢幻遊戲 to watch a year.

And things to do....now, its 10 years now, almost! Organic Chemistry groups I used to have.

They are not stress watching me making video, but they are...very stressful right now. I didn't tell them to be that stressful. Most they did, was they try video, but they take it down. They upload, and they take it down. 


烈火如歌 2018

方方 is a cousin of mine. 堂妹 I actually have a lot of cousin for real. We growing up with two sides of family at Chinese New Year

方方 is more close to our side of family. We are all girls. To talk, if you say, Pang, me and my mother, with her?

We are family. she knows that.

If we just going around the places touring, there is nothing that much difference, We just eat like we used to growing up. Sight seeing. She likes to photograph. If next time, I will ask her in person, what the heck you are looking at, to photograph in your camera? 方方你每一天都在照什麼??? 你跟我說呀 !你先說你要幹嘛 !!!這所有垃圾~你是要幹嘛 ~那你跟我說你到底是做什麼???

 Do you Wing, speaking Cantonese? That is not Mandarin? I don't even know what do you write in Hong Kong, Chinese Traditional Character, or Simplied Chinese?

Typing on the keyboard?

So your parents? Suppose to know English way before you did, because its Hong Kong, not Taiwan????

Hong Kong you say you had England passport, did we talk about that? Yeah, I remember! We talk, didn't we eat lunch together? 

What does your Parents think of your future and current career, and their destine, like watching Flower Thousand Bones 花千骨 they know you might not like their custome?

Photo dress like I don't like Traditional Korea clothing like in Loving the Silent Tears?

So foreigners like you Wing, you don't like Chinese those outfits?

So how is everyone in your groups, or students, professors in your Medical Centers, think of Tina future, its....towards which opposite direction? Arkiane, that is ... Mystic. W two worlds are Korean. Tina might not even know what words I say... Mystics.緹娜你知道我在寫什麼嗎 ?我寫的字???? 

I know what the older ones think ...now seeing Tina, going somewhere.

No, they are White Class. They are American, or European...the same. They are returning to their mystery school. Tina does not know much. But some of them might know, by seeing my purchasing order.

Before I go to Toronto Center, SMCH groups. Correct.

These books are all before SMCH

The ones not in Flower Thousands Bones Speakers....the ones before that. I read them. Yes.

Barns & Nobles. On Niagara Falls Boulvard. Across Crispy Creme. I bought a box. Melinda told me that brand, I used to first know DongKing Donut, at James house, we first land in Buffalo, Amherst, me and my mother at Burger King, there was a guy nice to take us around in the car, to our looking house.


ADD, I have to go out.





 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...