2021年7月17日 星期六

You all can include Howard in. It’s the same. It’s dating business to draw spiritual nature incline to say guru.

 No, you are about the same.

I don’t know the rest mankind.

No, I don’t know. 

You are boys. You prefer to be boys, not general, or military officers. (He Ramses uses that word ? Kail ?)

They disappear …

Bravery means you need to drafts.

No, we don’t need drafts.

We are like that.

What you gonna do in class ? Gregg been to University ? Lay back even more classroom ? States ?

But they meant to train you all NOW, if you are listening. NOW.

I mean it, take it as you are really in celestial, be happy about it.

But, not with us. 


Others know that on Adtral. We are not that. Evolution is not that.

Babaji: Do what she says exactly, seriously, attentively, like you are inside that 花千骨 those exactly setting, seats, nice decoration, flower each fragment like celestial (your words Heaven) like the TV exactly do you hear words I say?)




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...