2021年9月26日 星期日

Nov 11 2018

 Dr. Churchill Wife's death is Nov 11, 11 olocck !!! My professor!!


You regret you have not turn yourself inwards so much to be.....精進 enough, you should never come out?

意思就是你想要反省的意思? 是這樣嗎 ? 人小立志高昂!!! 

To me, a lot of people don't meant it, they want to practices. Not really.

A fashion of lifestyle !!

A passing bowl of salad bowl so expensive from Mike Adam !!!

In the Court Yard of Hotel, they don't serve breakfast.

Alas alas alas.....扇扇扇... ...you need old monks to lecture you? 你們需要老和尚死光沒有去給你們上課講經的意思?

How to face 4 points frames.....怎麼對付四個點的框框


人都是無處不是喜!!!在你們眼前最最最最重要的事情就是如何占盡所有人類的名聲利財產~我幫助你們!!! 你們給代價呀 ! 


自己站出來呀 ! 


 那為什麼審人的時候不好好一個一個審呢? 故意的?很好 !


你們最好是有一些師兄~好好把事情給辦了~叫做回來幹嘛 呀 ? 做事情呀 ! 

那好呀 ! 你們要審核人~這一個島上很多人呀 !



 我其實最痛恨看到 I hate the most its Wing's face in this organization ....SMCH!!! At all .... ABC.....

Outside worlds, I mean fake tales, and superficiality, congratulate them all and sent all to hell to the bottom of the pit....To inside world, you suppose to know, you do it for the only reason to Self-Perfection....understand? 懂嘛 ?

外面世界就是祝福它們永恆的ˋ地獄,而且要真誠的做到永永遠遠的ˋ地獄呀 ! 

對內編你們的世界,你們最好是認真說你們曾經發過誓言的...做成熟人做成熟的事情... ...

In my world there is only one thing....you all should know that.

在我的世界裡面只有一件事情....你們應該全部要知道呀 !

Politician always go where? Hell, your Master said that. They takes Bribe.

政客總是去哪? 地獄,你們師父講的,它們接受賄絡!


Fanny was pope. 

They become the Duck....in my Apple phone tale Da Vinci Notebooks. 畜生類!!!

I have no patience to help ....nobody. 我是沒有耐心幫助任何人的 ... ...


 Babaji gives you a public discourse mantra, how funny things, no one does it.

巴巴基給你們一個公開的口絕,但是就是沒有人想要做到簡單動作 ....

To be honest, just evolve, to does the mature person should do mature things, to "begin with"

誠實來說就是成熟人做成熟人應該做的所有成熟人應該做的事情呀 !!!




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...