2021年9月27日 星期一

I didn't finish watching this 烈火如歌 .....The guys needs girls to talk with the scripts to help a little bit clarity too, if you help the guys more clear, you help yourself too, on the scripts.


Have a meal 先吃點東西

Have 10 minutes script rehearsal. "Can you read this with me?"

十分鐘練習 : 你可不可以跟我一起念這個!!!



知道嗎 ? You know ..... long ago, Uncle whom did come to our houses, to make something a little bit different atomsphere in our home. 

That is what we needed that time.

And these 20 years later....there is a kid, when Pang used to be a kid.

That is what I think. Really meant......


你們要不要自己寫一寫你們看到什麼這個故事? 像第八集?

因為你們看電視講述你們看到什麼,而我當年是做麵包一個一個一個一個疊起來給比爾的那一個呀 !


Because....you are the ones watching the TV to comments.

I am the ones, that is actually making one by one by one by one by one Bill's bread.

Bill from UB Chemistry 105.

They show up, that is right there!!!

你們是覺得我不會跟男孩子在一起嗎 ? 通常是那樣講,但是... 對方派的是有關以後 Dating Advices Guru !!! 

You all think if I will ever be with a guy? Usually, that is being, said ! But ....they are guys sent out their representative are on "Dating Advicers Guru"

What does that mean?

The guys are a lot of times, not really they think they think I think they are. Its ....almost about their future, or past, or present time.....so if I finish my family business, I need to tell Eben about it. What do I think?

I was thinking everyone thinking....but then, I did thought there is guys' future ....that future if it is a guy and a girl ....but does it really make that much difference???





 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...