You should really really pay attention.
Don't join that sorority ever....EVER
Don't go out with girls or at least telling the guys about it, if you gonna go where? I never went.
I start to see funny things on the TV ....
Try to just focus on one guy's your whole life helping this one guy, faithfully and loyally.
Try to cook what he says.
Clean, talk clear, express clear, maturely telling him what it is the issues. Communicate.
No, You make money, try to be decent and pay when you can, not stingy behind, you go buy more than 2 high heels?
I don't have a heel.
Your cloth? Need more?
Your hat, your PC color?
You know ... I hope you meant it, you consider there is only guys life that is in front of you.
I truly sincerely telling you all that, you need to subccomb all your will to trying to understand them. Their IQ knows what you are doing, all the time!
Money, slave them to clean, and your closet, is perfume only.
Imagine what your parents wish you to become, none of this luxury looking you are decent human walking out of the closet never washed.