2021年9月12日 星期日

Dr Bing’s daughter and Superman


How I see it?

How lucky you could be at America.

If the time you were righteous and this video arrive that time, as an immigrant of America, you could become Venus of your stuffs taken others stuffs even because no one working out the TV like they would do step by step.

If I were detached to Mat…it’s the same with Lee.

He kiss me on the cheek. Just one this move and I turn my blank eyes on Lee?

The real real real upper world if they still exist somewhere, can you imagine we never arrive, ever will be in the future?

Just hope you all wish not hell

But even alive and these 元老功臣上輩子,one day judging you, what’s righteous means…. You didn’t arrive this life before their eyes, and that future life they ask why didn’t you try you 5000%? You know that was year 2000?

Some people if they knew it’s Heaven or Hell …

That’s their kids? They got money ?

Oh !

他們只希望有人對他們好點吧?我以前在 nursing home …


他們需要哪種科目 tutor, math for sure!!

他們 they got all jobs all around them ? Oh !! Every job delivers?

They say that?

Tea, food, menu, cut, nail cutter, meditation chair, online shopping, website, what? Ordering transcript …phone every city hall in Taiwan …police station included, visiting them by profiles ..it’s the same copy anyway, same 100 pages, copy paste …SMCH was? No hope

I know everything she did all that…

Simple as easy cake…


You know there are those whom grow up with Smallvile or 傾世皇妃!


I heard you cannot do that HURTING me on the television ?

Marriage behind to see 花千骨 monk head and become 天下第一!!

Why, don’t they say that when Keanu started first year re-write movies 2014?

我其實講過侍衛長 …皇宮的人


They seating outside is very boring !

… …霍建華,我說呷咪?

Real life never put was to stare at….that 4 points frames stuffs !


如果是 …海洋下找到!!





I go to sleep !




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...