2021年8月9日 星期一

If I buy all that stuffs. 如果我買了那所有的東西

 I used to live in Watermarke Irvine 我以前住在加州

I had a kitchen myself 我有一個廚房

I don't just leave stuffs there. 我不會把東西買了就丟在那邊的

Its a reference I will tell her company, City Bank, they are in NYC, they are not going to just guest the Chinese???? That NYC is towards Atlantics oceans! I see Mathrew and Leonardo movie! Clip!

I used to live in America, I actually don't always live with Asian. I had a lot of Asian roommates, nick will tell you all that. 我以前住在美國,但是不代表我一直跟亞洲人住在一起,提克會告訴你我有很多亞洲 roommates. and all that.

I try to think like the TV says, he is a CEO, like Tina's Master. I am listening the TV script, trying to come up, what Tina needs to learn and at least to know, while I have others things to clean up inside the temple. 我說我有在一直聽那個電視講他是 CEO 呀 ! 什麼什麼的... 我有在聽呀 ! 我有在想緹娜需要什麼知道....跟我要清掉一些事情寺廟內

These massive garbage, if all the girls go inside the temple, it will only be them. No more problems

That is always the only way, saying, if they willing to use 5 years for life, to make better this life or next life, in 5 years, I will be delivering a lot of things more towards the temple, correct. 

My side is monks Buddhisms side. Technically, I clean up only....this side. Entire worlds nuns...see in 5 years, if you all be dead. its just counting down days, to say prayers. 

Besides, Tina's Master like, all of you, might have a Master.

She is getting ready in this 5 years.

After this 5 years, you found out things be true, you start, that is 5 years later, how you will get started your part.




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...