2022年3月5日 星期六




Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it.


所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../



2021年10月7日 星期四

I finish the morning 剪貼簿,going to shower and eat

 Babaji: Go.



Two birds flying out, 小鬼小和尚要用嗎?



提娜 ! 你不喜歡那種搖滾樂,你也不喜歡打電動 ! 我看過你們打電動,也許你喜歡! 你已經快要四十歲了 ! 不是我的照片 ! 你我身分並不相同 ! 我可以一輩子做小孩 ! 這是這個世界給予我的一點點期待!


什麼是成熟人做唯一成熟人應該做的唯一的事情,如果你放棄所有人生,只好好帶兩個小孩,我會跟 Hank 好好說不要再那樣子對待你跟你嗎嗎呀 ! 

人生什麼叫做成熟人應該做的事情? 有很多事情不是大拉拉的做 ! 


I have no ideas what the birds keep saying this two of us. You Tina, supposes to support your mother. She is the only one always be there no matter what. If she is not so responsible, a lot of us might just die in the middle of the road during some times, some how in our lifes. 選擇,你當然選擇的是你的媽媽吧 ? 她這一輩子都給了我們三個!

她有很多 potential !! Your own mother !


I add the video to the end of that page, NASA Data


Yesterday I cut bleed left foot this morning early morning my tooth hurt. The same places




That’s raw meat 🐦🐦🐦🪁

You cannot possibly like that !!

2021年10月6日 星期三

Chamber of Secret, did you ever figure it out whom is the girl? In between Harry and Ron?

 These sayings are kinda …to encourage her to conceive.

I am watching TV

 Harry Potter !

Today I watching TV, I saw … police and people got search drugs.

I scream.

I think we didn’t finish period and cleaning subjects as a girl. It’s not about the guy.

When I was in the elementary school, they told us shower not bath during periods, for hygiene issues. I found out the day I need to bath all the time during the periods. One of those years I start bathing a lot a lot.

You clean prior, very very well. And the sewerage needs to clean if the bloods gets to it? Like my mother cleans. I scoop in the water to the tissues paper.

People cramp it’s internal, it’s not external muscle you can straight it and fix it, meaning it’s very very painful. I know.

🥳🥳🥳🥳 Only kids needs these….





尊上我要去躺著! I go to sleep

 Babaji: Me too. Whole day today !





已經很少人給我講再家修行好好持點戒律!很少人在乎我在乎的!尤其提那!我要更改一下 Pinterests!

我在看看情況把越南小尼姑給刪了,電視大聲說提那,她跟子歇演 pretty couple therapy !!


I got back. Finish shower …wait to eat

 Babaji: Go

I already went out earlier....Its 9:20....should I go out again? There is nothing to do indoor.

 Babaji: Go

Why Honorable Superior person like me, like to watch them eating show none stop?

 They cook !!! They actually put the oil in the food when they cook them.

Its one of the things that one type of YouTuber they make a living on the internet. Looks like very competitive. I don't know how they doing it, but they are eating through all of that. I don't really....believe someone just love to eat. 

When I am hungry, I eat.

But do I say, I love every type of food on the back of my mind, I am not sure if people really is into that much of food. They just trying to make a living on the internet. Maybe they do love the food.

I actually want to unsubscribe to all of them.

I just recently put them back in the subscription channel. I don't really watch them anymore.



🥳🥳😠 小鬼小和尚~ 你們如果不做剪貼簿,至少知道呷咪是剪貼簿吧?






想 copy 我的一模一樣,可以,只要你們不交給學校,他們不收 copy 一摸一樣的!我收,你們做的出來嗎?照片還是畫畫,當然可以 copy. 你們要做的出來,不是嘴巴講講!

你們可以 copy 完我的,你們看你們要不要再另外做一本呀!也可以這樣!

I upload a bird video: clap clap clap hands for them.

 They did very very well !!!

I also change the collaborating artists. We don't have collaborating artists anymore.

Everyone all seems to be busy with their career, so I found some YouTuber, I subscribes to them, hope you all like their music.

No, I am not going to ask them. But because I used to watch them, they will be watched behind, I kinda wanting them to know that too.


 Why am I actually watching prince / princess theme song ? Eben is not the prince?


I give up Tina. Let it be.


Shado song …losing


😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠 I finish the translation 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


Oh now I understand (2:13)


That’s Adam’s birthday.


Actually Pang is very very conservative on anything sexual speaking, oh no. He is very tight-up like himself. 


Maybe I go to sleep …

2021年10月5日 星期二

I finish writing in the Chem World....I think people behind they are ....really going on testing !!!

 Hi Eben ! 

I am thinking about that recordings of my diet things and that four blocks.

I just don't know where all my friends are. I assume a lot of things. I don't like that. So I did tell my father, and maybe he will tell his brother.

Because my cousin is gluten free restaurant.

I assume Medical board wants to hear something from someone like me. That is upon I think you wish me to go back to the States?

That is what I assume. Not here in Taiwan.

Yeah. That is what I have been thinking about. 

.... That is something within the legal measurement to be professional. 

I never actually met MH. I always just use his products. Not here in Tiaiwan !


I got a cube website ! Those artistic things I make....I found out in the States while I was in Taiwan. We actually successfully order and ship it here !


 Of course, they are not sure if that is me. I didn't have the eye liner, or singing like that? I have a friend here same thing happened, her name is Vicky.

Within itself rank of all rank, people when they are ABC, they never trying to help each other. Not really.

Its to get rid of the excellent, Lana taught me that greatly.

I heard they say, unless I want to come forward, I don't have to?

Yeah? With them, of course not. Never.


 They might all look a bit different, if I see them again? Eben !

I think I am shocking !!!


Smallville : What's going on from my perspective? Hypnothsis are huge biggest super natural power Lex beliefs as a Western world culture is like that. Quan Yin methods, or Great Master Sawan Sigh has suggests you, never practices anything as such ...

 Compare to the methods are like a stream engine crash a leave.....


Now, How do I perceive this drama?

Do you mean, the actor they acts in the show just reading the scripts? Without financial burden of the house, or morgage? Every month.

That would be very different feelings, you can just ask the actors.

最真實的事情其實就是那些場景,的每月貸款! 因為你們只需要那些浪漫的詞~有人會因為那樣繼續自己的場景嗎 ? 那些每個月的貸款?

真的嗎 ?

 我只有真的覺得那是最直接的東西,現在好像一直要賺錢的那個人,你們怎麼這麼懶惰,供佛應該是說我不需要賺錢錢~坐在那邊養 Pretty !! 滿慈子講個呷咪!! 叫做 lectures mocking me !


Did I say I am public claim and say I am allergic black nail, black dress, black make-up ?

 劉沛! Dean dead on Big Hero 6, that, black nail, black dress, black make-up girl called Catherine, Holloween! You want to tell her, there are 6 police in another video? He is an MD, lost his passport and danger in Europe outside Oxford.

有時候魔人也會直接告訴你~ 不是只是假裝!


有點像 Ella Enchanted, 一開始的祝福~ 真的有夠噁心的!


(我去做別的事情~你們就等到很多人都看到我寫了呷咪! 自己想辦法處理呀 !)

 I am going to do something else, you all just wait til a lot of people come here to read about....to figure out what to do.

Bird is the one told me to wear make-up today.

 They are every road of junction ! 

Do you hear that today? Every road of junction, how many days, you records that?

 No....they know every thoughts ! Its very odd, how they can see and know all that. I am telling you. They know!

Its 4:30 now. The Sun is not yet going down....

Going out


Babaji: Go

Babaji, I want to go to sleep.

 Babaji: Go.



I just told my father. Liquidarian and free food my cousin 呀!

These few day I told him my cousin issues.

I said that road coming down it’s her restaurant. My uncle if slept her best friend, it will save his life! It takes 40 years to train a pilot.

NSYNC I am not. I am not preganent


It’s the most stressing subjects to talk to Eben. I don’t actually want a kid, ever. 

If I stop the period, is that to tight the tubes? Not plan B right?

Here how do I explain to my mother and the doctor I am losing period and US medical board, I waiting them walk up 4 blocks a day, or 2?

Plan B? It’s after you have sex, you take it, the pill will cause you to have period immediately!

Here it’s cheaper to tight the tubes I pay the medical insurance here.

It’s probably normal period. Even for me.

Yeah I had plan B before. Few times.

😞😖😞😖😞😖🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 I am back! Watching CNN.

 The conversation between a girl and a guy

Last time I wrote?

What plan do you have today? 


So you like that food, Uhm?


Why did you …


How did you


You all never talk others can have privacy?

The disability people they tend to spend their money like water....Like nick, like Tina (Lex)

 No, you suppose to do a thorough research on Smallville, not guessing.

I know.

Well, its not your life.

It was mine life. Witness all that.

I am going out !

Babaji: Go

I am writing the comet pages.

 I encourage you to become an Organic Chemistry Tutor.

楊過 ! We have a italian resaurant I think....that is the name Snail. Right next to our house, not very far, I used to this, we and England are one internal street apart. Next by castle road.

 That is England business !!! 


Snail restaurant and Chicken home are on your side.


I see...

They cover the shine from England royal family!

Simon, you should not have a wedding. Just you know, see through Harry Potter, there is no wedding.

I think its your making, Simon.

Kerry Underwood.


My Chem World Biz that page, the photo is not working, it does not shows at the front page cover.

 You mean like teaching Prince Harry Climate Change and Artificial dye?

You all want eyes to see better? 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅

 I learn once with one patient….that was first time and like last time I ever really help in.

Do you know you become so arrogance ?

Eye in Chinese are called 靈魂之窗

Meaning open gate of a soul, or a window of a soul.

Full house uncle Jess has a car in the kitchen ?

So you never notice you cannot see very far in life?

You ever fear you keep going that route in life, what if one day you don’t see anymore?

I did. When I was very young. I open close one eye, or close both eyes trying to walk in my room. I was young. 

Like Dr John R Christopher says about colon health and personality flexibility, some are very very rigid.

I believe the eye sights tells us some people’s trait. Easy get tired, = no patience. Head tension eye glasses.

What do you do to improve it?

Cayce Edgar has some head exercise….to improve circulation of a neck.



Is there a quick way seeing grade 1 to grade 10?

You mean completely blind to open your eyes ?

I try to think what I used to be….

I think I could already see things. I just squeeze my eye muscle a lot trying to see more.

When you join a big crowd people like a market or a seminar, do you feel nerves? Natural incline to feel everyone is all watching you?

I will tell you, guys play certain castle, sword, knights games when they were younger ….to go about a maze kind. They might be groups in groups out!

Because I always by myself !! In this maze. Are you overly anxious if that happens?

Your spine are central nerves system, it goes to the eyes if you look at the anatomy charts in your bone doctor offices.

If I were you, never do that ! Justin’s wife did…



2021年10月4日 星期一

I go to sleep....

 Babaji: Go

... ...I am watching Eben stuffs, but I have to ....put some video back to Music, or Chem world....as I am listening to Eben. I remember that guy 畢書盡 Why he made the video with Annca face in it......浩瀚? 古墓派?

Simon Cowell in Chinese have 2 versions saying.....

He uses 古墓派 for One Life this 100+ country business success?

oh ~ ! 

高維爾?? = Cowell !


楊桃 ... That is the Star walk ....ing fruits? 

Syco, you want to try? Not dead all yet? 

well.....Its Asian fruits, its not you can really get it in America.

Don't bother with it ....I already said how I feel about this whole things. He is only a moguel. 

To be trained into Commander-in-Chef, that is how you all wished....that background checking was first started, if Yogananda book has a letter. Whom to write that gold stuff, with KR words in it?

Commander-in-Chef that is a very serious 名聲利 ! 





Medical report: Middle School. Soccer. Yeah, there are roller blades too.

 I think there are a combination of the factor to look like my own X-rays.

I recently sleep like 7 or 6 something, woke up like 11:30, or 1:30 ......and then...I woke up for a while....sleep to the morning.

 Maybe I should go to sleep now.

Babaji: No!

Smallville: Do you remember, what I keep telling everyone, that background image, of the house, one is farm house, dusty, and Lex is big mansion (lots of debts)

And now Eben is looking like a police?

But he does not do that, like Lex !!! 

The finance ! I would suggest, you all, don't really dwell on the story.

Dwell on the "Finance". Because that is really a real thing, you get pay or don't pay for what you do, or contribute, has to be a real solid things.

Like 1900 science !

Best punish of someone, like you all are....its to forget that person, completely, like my mother, I was already forgotton !!! for however long years.....

 In the memory, of nothing of that person trace in my mind.

I do not care about you all where you all, I do not care how you say you evolve, I do not care to watch your TV, I do not care about anything you say, you will do, ever will do, how you will do, you promise to do, or will ever do.



That will be forever and ever!!!

I only live in my own life, be the best what I want to lead my life.

No regrets, no hate, no feeling, nothing, at all. No meanings!!!

越南小尼姑 ~ you afriad something data went wrong with it? Do you research it before? or, its everyone telling you what to do? Just some find some disciples willing to help you, whole heartedly. Its just a scientific conventional debates!

 You could hold any ground to debates, isn't that what you say, you passing the 2nd worlds, all the way to God knows where you don't know, you lost the eloquent?

Now you coming back to the district 12, you by the way, passing by 5 or 6? seeing Babaji is still there? like your yellow notes stickers say?

... ...

You should trust some of your people. Sometimes. Do you? Being a Vietanese? They are Taiwanese? Slave the disciples?

You feel safe with me, is that because of the 帝王之說?

What if one day, that is not me?


Someone cannot make you strong, you yourself have to make yourself strong, in knowledge, in wisdom, in attitude, in optimistic views how to look about Life in itself that offers to you.

Not everything its a lie to you.


We used to say that story, you are outside my jurisdiction, right now. You are embarking, your 2/10 journey, and your Master wish you go back to Zero starting at the zero ground, so all your efforts, this life, its zero. He says that in your name?

That is how I take it !


... ...

You have a lot of pride inside you, and a lot of this roaring louders, makes other scared of you, you are a lady, to become a man looking?


It takes a drama to warn you, and you wants to keep doing that?

And? Changing your voice?


Simon is the expert in Voice. You care about this person saying?

Its never you care about anything I said before.



That is really you becoming good at it, and so perfect it one day, that is you see yourself destiny?






Do you remember, why me and nick broke up? It was because I seen the movie ! Joe !

Not Joe Fox, you got a daddy now.

A lover 

and a daddy.

You place them well? Like you take good care of them, at all?

So I can move on with my life, without you, this time?

Your best friend is my mother?


You see, you want to starve with your disciples how to die, now? So every penny you own my names its to pretending to telling me, you are TQT??

Playing cute to say?? you are TQT?

Is that true?

Not today....I will find out that day, how eternally, you all going down, to the button of the buttom of all floors down. Forever and ever....

Not today.

Fix air conditioning

 Babaji: yeah?


🦅🙂🙂🦅 going out ! 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🌺🌹🥳 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅

 Babaji: (hold up his head) Go.

I am going to sleep ....

 Babaji: 10 minutes earlier...

My eyes are closing.

Babaji: You wake up one hour earlier ....

No, I would sleep through.

Babaji: 你說的算!

Okay, I finish that site, the Youngest princess (Climate Change) , I go eat

 Babaji: Go


I need to make a page for that comic books. Taiwan Youngest Princess 我家小妹 (公主小妹) - Climate Change

 I thought you know there is a history of it.

高明一對一的補習班旁邊早餐 breakfast black tea 20NT, is that 700 ml? Meaning 700 c c…..太誇張了吧!


20 NT

35 NT


 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...