2021年9月13日 星期一

You don't believe what that is? 你不相信那是什麼事情?

 Really? 喔! 

One thing is you called that, Police Water front house report.

One thing is called impaired.

 One is Political movment right in front of my eyes, I tell you, exactly what you ought to look and sounds in the video - Animal are one of the biggest niche in Google YouTube topics beside toddler, infant.


One is this guy actually looks like 90s, the biggest star of the Four Asian King of Rocks???

四大天王的張學友!!! (Entire Asia the biggest things in life, for the police report)



Fortune Telling, not the Clam, I say 夢幻遊戲

90s the most Important Japanese TV cartoon on my growing up !!

NEVER THAT on 花千骨霍建華 Clam becomes BIGGER with my name in it?

And maybe you should tell them, maybe about infant....she says NEVER THIS neither, she touches her own cheek, two side, feeling, radiance beauty like her Master OU language, she meant Original Universe language in 2014.

Do you want to try a different police district station? Since they may not be connected in one country? District?

She looks Shiva idea, she made a page, I forget where that is...

Shiva on Mahavatar Babaji Wall Facebook picture. (傳說的巴巴基) She said 2 extra one in Loving the Silent Tear, red carpet, never that either, Simon says: Kill. Supreme Master from Vietnam? Her Master used-to-be

Big and Blue little kid, she says, that is not her neither. Do you mean they exist?

What about something truly astonishing, you know everything so far are real truth, 

except the following

You say to police: She says, there is something called Pixie, you either kill them and occupied all of them at the border, or if they hear you starting, they will annihilate all of your police station.

She says this video is sufficient.

She says, you know what that is, but me, I don't know what that is.

If all are truth, this one lie, I think you are fine with it.

Next day

"You are the same police, I saw yesterday? or not?" ( Put your eye glasses on)

You say to Police Station those polices: She says, if she sees John Searl and John Searle, even she is the librarian, public certificate from the State School, that too near URL link on Google index, she feel funny to even talk about it. They are 2 months apart birthday, and similar age, exactly.

She says, if that is funny and tale, she really don't bother to say, and lies and all that, if I say what I think my account, .... here this town I live, She says, if I want to live here, because I purchase my house here, and you found out, everyone in this town has funny business, they can all leave, if everything you told police are genuine and true, from everything you saw from your eyes, or hears?

Like ....she says: she used to yell outside the window, and one day, the kitchen pests show up, she scream every night about 9 oclock.

One day, the indian neighbor, they start to also yell, twice, or 3 times,

the above neighbor is 2 floors her down, started a fight with them, truly horrendous, she means. And her renter also slam door, court room mail from post office, and they hurting them her and her mother.

She says, the worse was, the across her living room toward, the American behind them, neighbor roof, behind somewhere, glasses broken sound with a guy and a girl

She actually with her mother one day, goes to there, for real estate, she thought her mother hears her saying that.

Maybe she didn't know it was from exactly the seller places? That garage is connects to the front building to that American roof top....

This things, you believe or she meants she has so many real estate harrassing her...in the elevator, with her ex bf with gun on Facebook 

its 9/2 Keanu Birthday.

So if I tell you every funny business in that town I live, here, you can get rid of all of them?

She says, no one has to be positive attitude all the time, but if you willing to live a life, called normal, just be yourself or with others, but safe, because these strange things in the neighborhood, I really hear them or seen them.

If you are the same police like yesterday, you sure these things I can tell you about?

She say, you can live in that town because you purchase with the money down. 

She told me, there is someone called Eben Pagan, if I am so that insist they give out 1000 Eben Pagan, in double your dating business, she says he looks like Raw food, to the Ocean, her Master, to say legally blonde, that he is arabic that video with shilanka low income housing Canada, with loads of garbage in UB Melinda near by neighboring houses.

They might have disease.

Its public prostitution business selling human quota, he cannot give out real love, because real love will kill each other licking and fumbling breast, to feel drugs and high, although all that has no real feeling. They have low iQ to say MD process, if Eben pagen is really doing it the customer behavior psychology, you believe they give Eben to you? That far away from it all? Really? She says, I have a tendency to tear apart people, she says, you won't believe it anyway, she does not care about this Eben, but although he might not be with you, this town, but he can come by to your house, to see, if that is a real arabic human being, or you see them in the police station in about any country on the map with the flag in the United Nation.

You know why I tell you this?

Because if you really tell 100 things in your town, that you really saw and hear things that is very funny. like you tell me, you can do that.

When you truly see Eben Pagan in real person, you will meet him first before I ever seen him.

Trust me?

And tell the police that is what I Anna meant to say. She does not want that guy in front of her.

You want to take an opportunity like his video meant, if he has a gun and shoot everyone.

You are a guy too.

You say, she says, there is 2 things happened to Eben.

1) No money

2) He found a reliable funding sources....at certain year after....

How does this sound to you, as a guy to see that real day, Eben Pagan shows up?

Or how I Anna really thinks, if that day, you saw him, you will know, there is not a thing was not true, if you just witness yourself and see.

She says: one day, if you tell enough 1000 things in town, for real, genuine you are doing it, you saw all that, you might die scenario, maybe if you can get some electric and water bill, paper works, its not as far as i see things, that is too small printed, at the paper. I am getting old, I actually ...she says, its karmic, if you keep telling them things, one day its better they help you a bit. She said the most immediate things its... sometimes, those paper works are not as...organized as to just going out jump, flip and bounce like the Bible says in Jobs/Bible one of those description index...not many index first line left that chapter this year, 2021.

 ( Earthquake Taiwan 6:41/6:42, you check Taiwan, Taipei, she lying, there is an Earthquake she won't shut up? there is 101 there,... 9/13/2021 )

She says, that is Britney 小布來妮 90s, Lucky song, MTV.

50 millions, Rush Hour Jackie Chen movies


Da Vinci Notebooks, except, they use thousand and hundred in between words, to say

that is 50,000,000

No, she says, I will say no.

It means, you owns that entire town business, one person doing all the dishes.

One person, you see all things.

Because the reality might be, all of them having funny business, and if they come near you, without you able to get help, you will die.

Not seeing issues.  Its...gangsters things.

And Vampire like Twlights. 

No, she says, there is no vampire. If you hear vampire, and tell police, they will kill them all off the every face of Earth ground up.

Digging grave to see if they are vampire for real, burn the entire grave yard off. She says, you all will do things extreme, if you meant, you really hear them seeing them trying Holloween on the blocks. And bragging and threatening you or others near by.


 okay, she meant, she might be a muslin. There are too many guys in her life, she just trying to get rid of all of them issues, because she is a real blonde. If you meant Asian sees Eben Pagan to be that handsome trying to paper format High School graduation degree to mocking Steve Jobs entire Apple business, to use Consumer Behavior.....you don't know what that is, do you? Consumer Psychology behavior 

And trying to get across a blonde like I am telling you, girls like me, having issues with guys, = I seen a lot of guys in my life, when I pass by.

You are not sure yourself which ancestors race or skin color, she Anna meant the degree of rising a guy with money pamper issues.....its to dipper without....

Whatever that means ...

She says, there is a way hiring others like downstair renter.... it might be Eben hiring someone, to do his bidding, so he didn't know anything

Just when to sland door to hurt my head.

Whenever I type on the Internet.

The court room suing guys, he tried to not pay, and buying all the toys for his kids, and his wife is taller than him 2 heads.

Feel disgusting?

With Indian floor down...they are psycho, I am telling you.

I just told my mother, now, he slander door all the time, hurting me head, all the time.

She has throat problems, and he has rent money problems.

Something funny, I will tell you, I need my mother, so I will get rid of one problem, so solve the other.

I hate those things.


She says there is another thing called 20 years lawsuit time, with Scott Stephen pop corn money, pass.... on Demo Crash Apple his photo on. 911 3000 dollars, Bank given them.

But there is a TV 2001 Smallville, if you care so much how many guys friends I can name them whom they are.

She will write you a list to see the opening of Smallville, she keep airing it on the public domain sites.

With the exact frame numbers and names, they show you the photo are.


Here is how you write a report, you need to tell them, when this TV is being public aired.


 You say


Its written in IMDB, a very credential website: 2001 -2011 years airing shows.

Called the exact TV name, she says : Smallville is fine.

Don't care about that Rouge thing 前傳! (錢賺)

money making in chinese....that words.

Its air in America public networks with along of 7 Heaven and Gilmore Girls, and How to be a Millionair like Trumps and Simpleology owner, TV personality, both. One copy the other exactly Australian the One, like Keanu Reeves. He says he is a military publically often.

He uses physics law, in that book you print simplology tests out quizs.

Anna says, that is useless little things. But okay, he did design buttom.

Zen does not do those thing, no need to.

She assures that.


Smallville (2001-2011)

Superman franchaise, a story about a Clark Kent, being adopted by the local town, small farm house boy story, with his mother and Jonathon Kent.

(Anna comment: Dusty, allergy house, dusty, like 3305 Riverdale, Washago 星宿 夢幻遊戲 I need handkerchef 手帕) 

Smallville of SUNY Buffalo (University at Buffalo) 2002-2006, Honor Class 105/106, General Chemistry, 251 and 252 Organic Chemistry.

By Dr. Takeuchi, with wife Takeuchi Ester in Washington DC pace makers, UB staff both.

Dr. Chambler, a women rare in Chemistry department, NSC.

He is in Cooke Hall.

Not the same

Asian, Japanese. Good university background, teaching excellent awards like Dean, 3 Dental association proves awards on line, MD.

Reference: 溜冰天使

Both them Dr. T and Dean plays Hockey sports. Ola gives her necklace, also MD.

His Dean gf is a ballet performing at Art Center, Anna, Fatima, and Dean met her, same height, the ending story before ugly babies drones all. Not drug all.

Called shadowing...smear...smeer, smuge...Its a word in National Treasure, smuge, 2nd franchaise. Archivist, she is a National Archive intern Washington DC, she didn't go though, she says that. She is not MD. They all are MD. Second immigration statue, returing benefit their own country, at year 2000 upon seeing Smallville, the first thing 20 years language barriers.

One person going up, Anna! (Ancient Chinese Literacy)


0:00 Stephen Tamang, MD Surgeon



Dr. Bing First MD daughter( Me, Anna, one kiss to Stephen Tamang, SABA MD, with gun on the facebook)

0:12/ 0:13 

Babaji, Mansion (Castle story with Lahari, Ocean 11, 12, 13, grand daugther to entire police netowork, Zeta Jones with old man, )

nick Catricala Height, 1998, cancer. Bold head.


Dean, MD Florida

Tamang, MD South Dakoda

(Wing not here, in between them, Anna's height. University Pharmacy professor TN)


Seth, LGBT club, UFO Yeth. Whatever she meant, she says, as long as their name are on file, UB. its real.


UB newspaper: Silas Radar, Archive online news photo, exactly like Lance Bass. Devil Wear Prada, my brother IL, Small, illvlle....


He is a real online news Michigan writer.

North Western, Movies, if 方方 also write newspaper, except me.

I am not Silas girl friend, nor Seth.

But you should check height.

I have vision 174 臺尺! My house, clock on my wall, green background, white ruler sticks...I just woke up in the morning from the bed, the bird outside calling....its 6 hours sleep, if they nagging afternoon I ever can napping with ....whatever... 2 or 3 hours, but sometimes I do sleep napping.....


Venus couple (X-12, Tesla biography from Venus, if you can still in this Decades getting that book print from Amazon)

Nice couple sounding mature person does mature thing, but not farm house things?

Tamang MD facebook was gun practice shooting with red hair gf, but his wedding wife, was a brunette.

I say about video on Eben Pagan. Tangle.

Jonathon Kent, like Jonathon Kessler, MD, again, my classmate, UB, I know them, short guy though.

These people's height and race color?




Clark Kent, Stephen Tamang MD with 2 or 3 comets issues.  Stephen Tamang transfer to UB, after I met Seth LGBT, Silas UB spectrum news, in sequence later Dean Wieczorek, MD, evolutionary biology.

Lana = Me

Lex= Babaji, or Nick

夕陽西下 : Seth or Yeth stolen flying UFO in Nigara Falls, UB region, not sure, the height anymore. Its easier at toilet. But as a dating couple, you would be happy on the facebook, if you become omnipresence UFO?

That look does not look good, you think, police? Anna says that....She is not dating any of them. Period.


One day you will acknolwedge, that is me Anna Jao, not Dr. Gabriel.

I didn't do anything in life !

Circling around UB, called life

Lex's father = Luthor


Dean told me his birthday, one day becomes 1:25 on the internet, so this is Venus saying adopt Tamang, MD, or Dean, MD?

Do you know I might be Tesla, not just my father, black and white, color blind?

I have no photo, I have ONLY VOICE!!!!

1:29: Amaz...ce

I know what is in English saying?

They singing in English?

I think English are Greek, that is when I apply to University of Kentucky.

This is 20 years later, 2021! I can hear it !!!!!!

Shut up!!!


S03 don't exist? we jump to S04







2:00 Dean, "Save me, don't care how you do it."

I called his parents from the yellow book, he was missing from facebook at Oxford, UK. he returns telling me, he was in 夢幻遊戲 he almost lost his passport at South Europe tour with his friends at his chest hiding, he has it with him in front of his mother telling me at hockey rink.

Die in Big Hero 6! 

Now he is a 3 award dentists? really?


You mean now? 2021

Or I used to be?



I didn't start any enterprise, that is Car-rental service in America, every weekend special 9.99 per day, for 3 days without insurance that is about 21 dollars. They promise they pick you up and return you home safely, I used all the time. Its true.

I left only VOICE, no more photo!!!!! (Old Testament)

Jeniffer Aninsten birthday, Blue book Yoganand, the Conversation, they are all about outdate these books I says....extinct, I read them.

They are in English.



in 2019, Anna told all her friends, going back to your parents now. You need them now. Both parents

I was genuine?

2:26 That is called Home coming ...

United State has that culture

Home coming king and queen like my high school

Isaiah, Football Quaterback.

Chemistry class, we have no facebook, there is no way, I know them.



That is the year 2005, both Dean and Tamang left me, I with Ola in Bio Chemistry 403. Tamange takes 205 with Jonathon the year before.

She braid her hair to look curly.

First day we see each other, that professor I say he says Intutive obvious.

That is a pharmacy class. 403. South Campus, UB.

I have met Dean and Ola's both parents at their award ceremony NSC (Natural Science Complex), I stand outside by myself. Table service, they are inside classroom with their parents.

Tamang's mother is a red hair.

Father is christian priesthood, real Indian dark color with Tamang's brother.

He shows me photo.

I Anna Industrialist, Metropolian write off Eben Pagan pretend how to die on the TV publicly too thin, Impaired video, by Anna Jao.

I comments: Stephen Tamang, MD on a gun useage: He will tell you how shameful the red hair mother means, if he would owns Prince Harry those big money radio contracts.

Like he "demonstrate" the facebook, exactly small voice like him, saying it all, that was his gf, not wife.

But gun full equipment at the below page of that same facebook, 

It was political extremelist, mask cover up

V movie, Venderra. England! Of total amount of death causes, in Simon Cowell, looking very old saying, weary, and unbelievable, fireworks at the end.

3:09 Helicoper, handicap uses Eben Pagan material on squeeze pages to make home start-up methods to lure military functioning, video to attract....Helicopter I present, how to be writing creative college course: Creative writing on making a fantastic presentation without an author photo, voice, descirption, school transcription, and working history, that is Tax ID prove by New York State.

3:10 Funeral, Lana I didn't do any of that.

3:15 its Cesar's death

Salad dressing, want to check the history, I remember that for?



3:25 started.

3:36 Babaji or Nick Catricala, maybe you ask....him before he die out. The mansion guy, whom owns the mansion like Disney all castle are his, if they shows one photo with his shadowy image on it. Not just book stated, in the Red book, Autobiography of a Yogi. The dream of Lahiri, my ThinkWell professor, Cell biology looks like him. They all look about the same.

Errica, she does not know, but she knows uttica.

Close to Corneal, I used to have a President in Farming 4th category, Taiwan Science groups, 李登輝 dead, but I seen him walking in the night market, Day light. I pass by him.

Sam. My TOEFL classmate, that is a guy, I know that, knows an embassy daughter, he says very smart, only study, the day before her exams.

We used to have all this ABC I guess TOEFL meeting whom's friends, he told me he is in Corneal.

Glass Cunning well?

Apple is a soft glass company, I say that is hard class, I told my mother, she said its at Rochester, University, nothing Kodec, I say Ola works in that, that is film in Pharmacy, 方方does those things in dark room. Ola's old job, was that before she becomes MD.

They glass? Cunning well.

In between UB and Corneal, but she does not hear a thing Rochester was one hour north of Buffalo. To go inside the Rochester might be 15 mins more. Debra use to live there with Indian professor UCLA ? California, later....2014 I seen her too in the Meditation center. She is from UB. Both them.


Rockefeller Family in 1800 they own railroad, or Gasoline

One day, that is Bush business? Rockfeller in 1900 Era broke that business into 7???

I have no ideas what I read it.

2006, I graduate from UB and got initiate at April 30, Scientology, SMCH true love Height David that, David, Eben Pagan used to be name, who die?? Meditation of Light and Sound, from when I was 9 years old, half initiated, to full initiation at age 23. I met Nick.

Loving the Silent Tear? He is a blonde short guy 430 David, FBI, long ago, his mentor, on boat, they live in mopping floors one of those story they say in Kerry Bill Project Camelot.


4:15 Titanic, early morning

4:16 I was born

4:17 Prince Philips die?

Then when is Da Vinci, Leonardo, live and die, date?

Elvis Presley, was after my brother birthday 815 花千骨 海盜比賽?長留攻打? 殺阡陌? 哥哥不是姊姊, do you ever hear Aria called Apple, me my name "姊姊"?

So Elvis Presley live or die? 816 I think death date was that. When is Leo's birthday again?

Dimitri was Tesla, death date I think.

You know...I don't bother telling the police...because I thought they know it.

Something about one day, makes....life and death, to become my real birthday? 4 4 4

I am a human, not Death. That is so ridiculous.

4:28 I don't have a gun.

But Dr. Bing Shen, was number 1 representative, I thought my mother meant, the government was favor me....his daughter or husband if owning that, that is in W two worlds, exactly his face, to his Radiology Chairman, position, as a guy. 

I tell you, the speicial career like pilots or doctors, or Chairman, they being protected without a gun.

But Stephen Tamang was this girl, my far away cousin, which generation? Second generation in English usage words to say, Second cousin, means Uncle, right?

not that age....

But ...she told me us all....she hate competition before her. If they just be killed or eliminated, she will be number 1

She is ABC

not like her father.

We eat in the same table, MD now!

4:47 like Hallie,  Keanu's one kiss girl

Like Lake House, mother Nancy Meyer

I say painting Da Vinci, the head web things looks on side bilateral college drunk bottle hit it....

So is Keanu Reeves like the One, really? like Dr. Shen, meaning important senator to be Legally Blonde beside Eben Pagan, which nicer games?

To run W two worlds, senator?

Someone went to beat them up!!!! She was 26, 2014

Anita, 19th anniversary, Loving the Silent Tear, behind the blue DVD. She wants a baby with Keanu.

Sandra Bullock couch, 2 Weeks Notice, its a testimony, in the movies. Ms Congeniality, braise lase, in front of that clothing Da Vinci Draws. Like Talent show, water glass.


S08 5:03 ( vivola? five oh three?)

 512 Da Vinci Notebook, SMCH, saying Original Universe, side way, looking 5th world up,


10th no number

its a claw machine, your heart, your legs up,


on the bed, wall

two beds.

see that on the floor, bloods...in and out.

It might be a device.....you look right? 2 rooms?

That is SMCH 越南小尼姑的生日呀 !

Francis I or II, Da Vinci notebook oats

not Ola

Oats company purchase Tesla old ground to sell....cereal?

Well, Oats are grains, it is a breakfast, not a cereal.

Keywords, if you just use "oat" or "vain" to make a Da Vinci Notebook keyword database.

I repeat that 2015!!!!!!


That is Carla, Tony's wife.

Horrible person, they don't give me and nick a glass of water.

They need french fries machines.

From West Virginia.  Sex in the car

Before getting married, I help nick 19 dollars to download a profile, saying she is bankcrupt almost, online, report, I think he did use that report.

But gold crush.

2008 also bank down.

He helping both them money, I hate that!!!

We live in 146 wilis road, and he is not Babaji. He looks like Nick !!!!

And don't tell me the red book states that Lahiri looks like Babaji at the below annotation or somewhere anywhere, but photo, tells me, that is not Babaji anywhere to look alike.

Autobiography of a Yogi

Cassidy, that is Project Camelot, Kerry and Bill, Kerry's name. She and he separate to Avalon Project to have an Inelia Benz, writing MK hurting people's feeling, she is everywhere movies to say high school musical or 花冠安琪兒

To Pope Italian, that is South America, I used to have roommate, UK (University of Kentucky)

Strange things keep happening...Nick is from Italian. He knows what is a Pope, Italian. I remember news says South America, Chlie even.

Chie, was my friend UK Dorm

That is on the comic book which book, which name, next by. its on the cover, or first few page.

I am so sick of this....

My roommate is from Chlie, Chie is next door Japan roomate, international dorm in Uk.

But I thought the Italian Roman Pope was a South American, like Inelia Benz, was there, saying MK on the internet, and move to England, married 4 times, with 4 kids.

 Da Vinci notebooks painting were eggs.....she says eggs eating on her article directory before 2012

I think its two illustration.

hair like nick's sister, Gazilla, in Ice Princess, the mother or Victoria Secret in the audience seat, the chess floor. That is nick catriala Bell Canada sister. In the audience seat, to lilly model? oh ~ I say nick cousin dead....Its in white color

nail cut me (Brazil, that lady looks like my neighbor Canada center, I went down stair to talk to nick.) Ring on Model. That girl. Looking big eyes.


Book: I have come here to take you home, I used to have dreams.....

Adam Tamang, starting backwards. You know I keep saying that stuffs, no one hears me?



Eben Pagan, he is not police, he is playing consumer behavior psychology. Reading a lot of books, he recommand a book list.

I will tell you, I know about him.

He is a type of guy, sees nothing.

He likes books.

Certain guys you give them enough money, that is all they do.

Reading books.


Like nick's next door neighbor trying to fix his roof, we are above him, landscape, nick saw it

He told me, I see that roof, I comment nothing. I told him....all kinds of stuffs, if he remembers, or he is dead by now? The windows. He can see them very well. His eye sight are good, that was old driver school TTC, Canada?

You sure you don't want to exam his eye sight, he says far away leaves on the trees.

I saw, they are all green trees. Of course those are leaves, green, at the edge. Leaves are leafy green growing on the tree trunk, they are extent outside to the sun....Painting draw all the green leafy, right? look at it, and draw ! But leafs are web shape, if you look them, to draw.

They are kinds of middle one line, all around exntent out lines?

So he says what did he sees? No, I would never see that far.....they are far taller....far away from it all.

Those are leaves, far away, I know they are leaves. Of course they are leafs, I am blind or something, look at that, everyone can see that is the edge of the tree leaves. I have no idea what he saying that for, for sure, never is the lines on the leave, at least I know that much, his eye sight...he needs eye glasses to read.


I look retarded I think...

 5:30 I will tell you, this frame looks like Adam Davis, not Eben Pagan.


Not Dean to be?

Justin Timberlake? looks like that?

I don't think so.

They try to be.


you know old tale of older Superman, has that franchaise....if Dr. Steven dead, on Spider man, his desk tale, someone pushing never enough drug pill to take. Newspaper....

Why its always on writing newspaper.

Silas is news writer, not witter?

Pang Jao is a new writer

North Western is a news writer, Devil Wear Prada Tina, or Hank, or 

me and 方方

~~~well, that older superman, was like this Spider man franchiase....

Spider man was the newspaper collector for Spider man.

Superman has that too, the girl in love with him, to take photo

Photographer, that is Edison invention.

That eye glasses shock me, was Alexandro, when I return to nick place, there is a photo !!!

My brother also have that eye glass, the black frame.

ETR, Craig?


5:54 started.

54, 2014 Simon Cowell's age

26 Hallie Meyer birth year

25 IIV, Ison ison Virtous....IIV

Do you ever even try to go to Apple and, don't let me say it again and again, I don't remember this things right? 

32, 26, 45, 21

Comets on 1908 Tesla patent, I looking for money, on the Tower top....

32 my age 2015

Hallie is comet ...everyone knows that NASA

45= 是我

21 cut in half


but okay, I count once those coins, on the top, I didn't go back? there is GE gf

gf is me, Anna Jao.

Nick and I went to border? And the citizen hall has an ID check, for my citizen. I am American citizen, to say, that is gf? 

6:03 Every spider man, or superman, all does that.

That is office design to their boss. 

Even CC office from Rachel, in X man. Blue girl, to check all the cabin files.

Those are file cabin at, the news desk, like Dr. Steven is at Reno, but he is not offices newspaper.

I remember his book was PhD

And one day, he suddently becomes MD on Google Reno location

That is....unbelievable.

he would tell lies, or he really went to get a degree?

I thought I heard he might imply he was Harvard.

He helps Simon in Harry Potter, after Sirius Black suck into the mirror, he should be dead.


Durance....that is a pungment fruits? Smell more than the other saying?

no I don't like it. I don't like girls, I like guys.


You know, if you start to see Snow, you should just say Tamang is Indian mix blood.

He is being called by.... SMCH Master he should be dead...that is snow...

星宿旁邊 who die? A guy or a girl, that is Krishina?

I have enough with this....to be honest.


I watch these too many of all this TV and movies, I will tell you I am so sick of it...

Snow just means Himalayas. 



35= gone, SMCH poem collection.

47 its a suicie, or past love, no Keanu Reeves 47 ronni, and 

37 was Lauren Silverman age 2014

Keanu Reeves Bus scene was Bus 10

Lake house. I joking with him, every 2 years...we met 5 Lords. JC, Joshua.

Speed, bus, that is a kidnapping ....with a bomb, and speed no more than...conan detective Japan, on...one of those movies things again. But it was the entire Japan metro lines. That is horrific!


I design symmetry, lab, bio, California. 

Biology periodic table.

When you see flames like that, that is a bomb, not just crash...isn't that black guy in the Speed movies, looks a bit like Obama.

There is a lot of black guy all looking about like Obama, a coach or something....



1945 was WII ended....

We are at AF, afriganstan, they say, I attack them behind.

 You know i did a 5 Lords reviews, that is called eternal war plant, on Bugs wars.

2 years

1943-1945, time return.

This is S10A and S10B

The TV has a time return in 2017 Jan, when we about finish that Kate and Leopoid ending, that is on the clock, if you look at it.

2014 Winter time. Duke....whom? It was in years of 18 ...

That is 2 years. (beginning of 2017, the end of 2014)

6:56 天啟! One of those CIA file on Inelia Benz investigating michael Fassbender?

Not that girl, light tower? really?

Which is more spanish looking?

Inelia Benz, not those actors? Really?

you know if you follow W two worlds, says " 只要套用無言朱的供詞所有事情都是" coherent? 

Its the script lines, if you just saying it?


Tina has that eye glass when I visit Pang and his mother at NYC. She had a surgery, and that is an eye glasses that day with Joanne coming in, to make a mess of our life.


She is in Flushing, we are are Bayside.


Isn't she looking for Jesus as her Master


Now I remember, if Police is on my profile long time ago, by now, I seen them here.

This is Taiwan, they are all should be existing in Taiwan, police station?

Erin, Pang, Tina, 方方 咪口 Nick? He is at meditation retreat on the video SMCH. What a hurt things to see that

including I saw 建均 owning me money 1000 NT dollars. 

W two world surgeon, he used to work in the gasoline station, and then, bread shop, he says 中央研究院的 receptionalist, got burn in apartment, my mother has to pay at it. trying to come to my house, I say NO!

He and his friends called 陪格


That is horrific!!!!!

My brother's age friends.

7:03 Carla becomes more violent, each day, I keep saying that....threshold...

Tony and Carla, Enchanted, Squarrel at 5 Lords Review, Canada, pouring rain....

That squarrel was something....on the screen door, I am horrific !!!

Red hair with Eben Pagan, in singing competition, so Tina is 2020, that singing hollow eye sight girls, she is draining out, I think in life, she needs to be a nun, til she die, to keep her memory to raise those kids.

But she is a psycho, I found out just recently a month ago? I haven't told her mother yet.

7:05 You know what that Kerry was.... I know what they are saying and statement....those are whistle blower worlds, to see this on the Tv, with the name on it? They are whistle blowers anymore?

oh no~ people aging for real.

you know, I will tell you all these looking...in 20 years not just 16 years of people's life....the life force got drained was not just physical speaking, meditation without, or diet without, or stress or happiness without...

Nick and I used to care about this diet things. It does not matter if we should use drugs or medication.

I will tell you one thing, if nick tell me the truth, he started running when he was 41, he is doing all that to keep in shape.

and now I look like 5 years old, from when I was 23 years old, he knows how much things I done for this...liquidarian and losing Monthly period, to become 尊上白子畫 the hair becomes darken, each day....not anymore shining blonde.

... you know, how cruel TV can make others, to say if ET exists, and they will tell me its classified materials, I try to think if just human can write all this anymore....

like human writers....

These people without diets, to say alternative, okay, we admit, medicine, sometimes gives us bad side effects, like more cramp...me speaking, and nick does not believe that...

you know if natural medicine, health ranger Mike Adam can exist, we can use homepathy or herbs medicine, to help life longevity, and we are not permissive human being, why everyone are so ...negative about.

I will just say....whatever, you think they are doing to themselves, the face, okay, they just got out school about 8 years ago.

You know what happened for the 8 years?

People grow up orientation table for 8 long years, with my face looking....threatening?

You should just get nick on the board, since TTC, he cannot tell lies, or else...

When I really think if ET ever exist, and they do this and that.

They force me have no choice, but face issues?

Just photo?

Yeah, they look young now. I will tell you all that.

Do you want to talk to nick, what do you think you look like you are part of the school for a very long time?

Twlight, Tamang in lab?


Ana face? (Ana phrase) He does not know biology, onion has eyes.....and peels.



Snow again.

Are you sure, Indian really meant, they do whatever they want without laws?

SMCH went too far, I am telling you.

but let's say, they did all the transpassing things, and calling Tamang, as an indian mix guys away from China, or Indian, he has a mission.

I know what that means, but he got restrain, or hand coff by the owning of gun hurting others and everyone around.

There is no more mercy to say, he will function normal, if you watch again 1-10 A.

He weary his life all out, life force in the medical school. 

People like them creating real karma, also. 

Very real, every single day, hurting everyone with it things others imagine he could just do all that, superman.

Don't tell me Indian 500 years old say blood statue, SMCH has no blood, and he tried to make him again chaos, to say Venus adopt him?

Really...we already went through 5 Lords reviews....I am telling you

SMCH they should go to hell with it.


saying this: this is before entering upon 2 years agreement, on contract or liscensing MD.

To entering a ...10B, or 1943 to 1945 ending of that, he promises, he suicide himself to kidnap what?

MJ 13?

14 Tibetan? Dr. Steven Hairfield, I told him that.

oh~ he Stephen Tamang will do all that, as ABC pamp boy just like Eben Pagan too. He just older.



If Stephen tamange wants to adminstrate Dr. Steven's childhood, I know why.

This is saying what? You got harassed by bully or your father, Dr. Steven?

Stephen MD Tamang

"TEN mang" attitude. 

Its exactly that.


All of them are losing it, the years.

10 years ago, or the 10 years before this...I will tell you, if the TV airs the time, when they were vibrant

They did it right.

I will tell you that much.

Keyword: Life force, Stagma, Life reserve energy, Soul without light, eyes without lights,

Friends, Christmas Tree, Joey, Phebe, Chandler commands. "Night and day, dead Christmas Tree"


 They are not just trying to threshold their potential to become criminal mind, like Justin Bierber in Victoria Secret saying it, a song,

that is romantic.....witness

And then, the following...the cleave that video in that combines of 2 sequence music effects.

Called, buddies we groups to make the following they pay.

Its the dance move.

Freeman, I think they meant political extremelist...but I will check if they have natural born, ADD, or impaire in eye sight, in hearing, in mental illness.


And then Jesus shows up.

Opening of that 由基 ( 我家小妹~變成公主小妹? That is ....)

Why do you say, Jesus in which name if not French, I cannot learn French.

 But I used to yell at people for 我家小妹 at 2007 at 2018, they expect them to have a successor contest on Climate Change?

I just got initated with nick

Hank just be together with Tina Jao.

I know what that looks like.

My grandpa, and the bold guy....here this nation?

Are you kidding me?

There is a Seal, a very BIG sealing on a top of a document, whatever paper format books says the following states of money, to be paid off in 5 years.

Do you believe those things?

Its to make money?


That is so bad looking, I am telling you. No one does climate change, when that girl in the TV was going "studying" with 4 guys trying to help

Accent guy

Michael Jackson, dying hair, my mother guy

Hank, Real love 真愛黑白配

My brother




Johnson Johnson


Do you want Victoria Secrets Romance Journey?


Tina hits me all red....Pang blanket on the ground

BUt SMCH bet pal has no fur wears at President Philiphine 2007 濃妝豔抹的表達對動物界的穿著是毛!!!!!

白色的毛呀 !

That is my landlady name SMTV isebel, at Da Vinci Painting, with 2 version

One is black and white, lines below 815


Color painting, with a crown on the top.

This things so strange. If you just look at them.

Leonado Da Vinci, Reinssance Number 1 Chair.





 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...