2021年8月27日 星期五

❄️ ❄️ What? The bathing water is too cold....❄️ ❄️

 How are you, all you, CADS wants to beat Lee first, join Mason, and then ....becomes? Trying out 花千骨? 

It looks like that.

What do you expect me to talk to you about today? 

All you FAFSA

    Disorientation of your life

    Dis-organized of your entire PURPOSE of your life.

Isn't ETR Craig & Eben Pagan, their Life Core Values are to propel humanity at the basic roots of education, and both their groups finding out, I was a tutor in the sailor moon series with Lee Solomon as ....two of the 3? or 4?

One you to doom?




Even the guy I went to see resume in hollywood given class, God knows who that is, when I saw ACE, I thought, it was a book I used to see Chemsitry....testing book?

But he says fitness program?

CADS lab has a fitness program?

I remember the wrong program...I think its not ACE.


I am telling you, if Tina does not use my connection, I would never know CNN through that to CNN's New York Governor or Mayor, that SMCH talks about on her draft. 

Maybe he does things for his budget to look right, how it stream down all the way, to the State Funding school, to have a pearl to stuck at his mouth or my mouth?

Dragon balls to make a wish comes true, Eben!!!!!!


Do you want to just tell you parents these are what I write first to begin our conversation before, me and Pearl or Whom to talk about, Real Love?

Its New York State Budgets ! For your program to look good ! ! 

Or you want to talk to me about Khan Academia? 

The other competitor on the internet, to do with chemistry or organic chemistry?

Not funneling money through State educational budget to my tiny paycheck, so I called Roswell from my used to be connection, and somehow, gossip to them about Tina, problems?

I used to live in Buffalo, Amherst, Williamsville? 

CNN whom was in SMCH TV, called SMTV, she looks like Devil Wear Prada Jacqolin. 

So that news lady, journalist, must know this brother of the New York State Whom major or governor, that knows your Budget to sounds right in education. 

I have a wish for Purna? You mean SMCH 清海無上師? You mean you have a wish for your parents, or your parents have a wish for the totality of you?

She has a real father. I am not her father. 

And her father got a best friends and a...whatever I collects things for him to keep it right this time. 

I am telling you, just because I am so so so so far away from Buffalo, I cannot hear you cry from New York City ! 


I think your head is somewhere mis-place...

When I create a Pinterest page, so that all of them can go fighting within them, and be air online...its for their best interests ! Tell your parents, where I used to be ...at ! I am at my mother's place.

Your parents have been hearing about some wondrous things from you. Every parents. 

You try to explain to them, what you intend them to understand every words, you meant that is Anna says, for your best interests to become what you want to become and getting....

You can start by telling your parents: If you see someone like Anna, display next to MAHAVATAR Babaji photo, with so many arrays of colorful comparison she and him, the following delivered results, she was your tutor in where? SUNY Buffalo !!!!!!

I would just start that, with the correct order to trying to tell them things.




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...