2021年8月2日 星期一

Userability Test

 A lot of people are damf or something?

Userability Test is Librarian jobs. They teach you that. GRE, I explain, after the exam.

Survey, like Governments people knocking on your door, house to house. 以前講政府有人每一戶每一戶問你問題的那種東西

Do you want to watch a TV, looks like Stephen Tamang? How to do survey?

Is any survey is= userability Test?

On the streets those perfume low jobs paid? 


Does Apple run my jobs?

廢話!!! Librarian is the technician in modern world, not just cateloging cards collection old fashion library setting. Librarian has to be IT oriented nowadays. Everyone knows that, the guys knows that. Teaching, IT, and Pathfinder. 

About to watch

Just find it.

I don't know what name is this?

I watch a lot of TVin 2020


