2021年8月2日 星期一

Red River Manga, Flower, She W body I told her, I didn't tell her...she gifts Kail flowers, I W in, at so many occasion, with the flowers in my hands.

 TO high priest, you gift them flowers? You just go to die, Ocean Beach,

Show the flower to the sky...UFO


Don't bother it. In the ocean, I see Kail.

They know people from Sky words literally means UFO, they know a lot of things.

Zawanna took the entire garden out

thorn out I cannot see flowers.

Or I am too stress, to put a medicine. Suffering internal kind, those ancient medicine, you got lock in the body and pain within. Never take the medicine.

Never try to preganent

If the hospital does not admit you, you will die.

They betray, yeah, part of that, jealousy game, dump the flowers on them games.

One of those

But I know the girls ...they eat looks like. They are their court, like Keanu, like JC, like a lot of these people, but he kills them all just I went outside to breath air, not to go party.

So fed up

1000x those things, will draw people near, no matter what, how when. what circustance

Draw 2 people, gangs, military, sex games a lot of those very very real games.

But they the girls will not do it. Or doing what they are like modern society of everything you are not supposed to do with the guys. They proably still better than this world. But Some stuffs....they are trained to be stand tall, so they can have attitude in contempt to others, but they will tear if the papers are spread all on the ground, Zowanna yell, scream, she fears, and she will really loudly cry out, not to pick up those ground papers.

You just need to pick it up, and put it back, and stay in the room and sleep, or tears if that is what he meants to say it you hear.

They can probably separate W bodies, now, 1 ,2,3,4,5,...they are not sure

They brought someone looks like Dean, but I cannot see....they just guessing it. But they know where to look probably, if that is what it means at the end.

I know that.

This TV...this story...nothing close.

But roughly.

