2021年8月2日 星期一

Talk about my own court 我自己的皇宮 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Supreme Court, America

 In Hollywood,

    Girls to be guys


    Child Slaves


In UB real life, to look like NSYNC

    They are worse, lazy when the times and the money comes in, except Seth

But Seth went to UFO Yeth

    Yesterday we are on 烈火如歌第二集, I know exactly what it means. He wants these friends like I can talk about it to fit in the frames of tearing apart that Hollywood, to 100% accuracy.

When I talk about it, I didn't except to be a right story, but Yeth wants a perfect story then he found legally safe, he will then talk about it his "vision" issues.

The way how I portrait that One photo story, I can just tell the US Supreme Court, I do not like comic books, I did read middle school, I select comics books, these drawing, by the way I draw too, in my Chinese Ancient Chinese textbook. 

I can tell you US Supreme Court, that story, 花冠安琪兒 I know that is the branding, I seen it. The cover, I know a lot of those comic books by cover, correct. I touch a lot of books. But that ones I do not read it. Its the drawing style I don't like. I do not go on those blood touch comic books.

So when I tell you a story, I even write it about it, I called "One Photo" story, Its a long while after a couple years, we sort Yeth things already behind, on my Ipad. 

I wrote a lot of account by experience, I normally keep behind if its in writing, that was 2016/2017, here in Taiwan. I have to write it down. I have a right to write novels correct.

When I was doing Flower Thousand Bone play run, I copy paste into a website, to pretend from this One Photo, 

Its One photo sequence first, not comic book

Then Flower THousand bones. I was too lazy, correct. I have a lists of things I write below, I do not care if they are any content photo on top, really.

I do not care about it. 

These things Yeth care about, its your Legal system will say he is mental, he wants things 100% perfect. He sees the effect, or he sees people behind talking about him, before, in the UB, before, he cannot take that. 

I Anna, Supreme Court USA, I do not care one person on this planet, if all dead the entire Universe Cosmo, I do not care a bit. That is exactly what I am.

So when I entail a One Photo story on the Internet, I warn all, there is a contest, if you are given One Photo, or you intend to tell me, you don't know there is One Photo I exactly write, say, label, explain as clear as, the book is poison, I do not wish to read, or after I read, I say that is none sense.

Your sequence to go curious and read first, and then listening to my One Photo story, will look different if you do it vice versa.

To this modern world, it makes no different to Supreme Court, because it is all role plays to find things out in learning curves.

But I anna. is not you or them.

I do not judge you right now ...that is exactly I mean it.

So Yeth ground wants that Ancient Chasez story full account. But Ancient Chasez, is he real or not real, or is, or was, or will be. I do not know. He if he knows, and knows I know, telepathy, we both know clear, we know the exactly related message, I know he related to me. I say it few account, maybe not all account, if he asked me in details. I will forget,

But image of many kinds do not forget. The US supreme Court didn't say, I cannot keep tiny image, if things went too far. Or I am unsure what it means to go and confuses others. I did say many important account.

So Yeth on that part with Ancient Chasez, was heart ache to the degree, that entire Hollywood one day beomces mine, from them actors to the production company.

Then Wallace Huo from Asia, or Mark

But the things are, Yeth never likes Asian

He does not know much about China, or Asian, or Taiwan.

Its after I started to go to Wallace, or Mark

He Yeth, started to realize ....what they can be trained for. Yeth does not train, he wants all for his benefits. UFO worlds.

I am not like that, I am from the ground, here, I didn't go to UFO.

I didn't go to UFOso I say to Wallace or Mark

So yesterday 烈火如歌

The Second episode, of Kenshin, Ramses, Me (looks so bad)

are all others say Commander-in-Chef

Yeth is the commander in his own UFOunseen world.

But I didn't pay attention, they Ancient Chasez, Kenshion, Ramses, yesterday when I say that, it will be all of us, first time "see Yeth was a tiny" guy to salute ! He wants to ... ??

That is not us. 

So that was the entire story, he Yeth wish to have friends from negotiation style to SMCH, to play to laugh to try, to act, to get to white robe Master, Indian 500 years old or another guy

called 銀雪

Yeth or Seth is a gay

They fall in love with every guy they see?

Why don't you go and talk to Seth?

If that is every guy he meets, he just fall in love with them? That is Whtie Robe guys, none of us know whom 銀雪  was!

Beside I didn't say Kenshin is another guy.

I pretend to be Kenshin. Ramses is another guy I say loud now. 

I am myself I know that.

There is a red dress girl, Yogi? For sure its not disney....

You mean Yeth likes Babaji, to be a girl talking to him, or he is the main character like a girl to have all the guys friends all around?

To talk to him like he knows what he is doing?

I fed up!! 

I really do fed upt! 

Of a gazllion things that USsupreme Court does not need to write, but to know. I fed up!

