2021年9月17日 星期五

Prince Char (in Ella Enchanted Ending )


Your wiki photo looks like a person I have seen with the beard on it. But I don't remember where I seen that guy at.

Is that 方方 Father,  I thought he might be gone already, so don't worry about it?

If I am in the Chinese Magic Box 國家寶藏的玩具 National Treasure Toy box desks....resolute desks....

I run inside

I run outside

There are 6 sinks with unlimited money !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

And if my mother is not here...

That is 6 sinks on the Roof top ~~~~~~

Called morning routine !!!

The issues of the Height, I can just tell the court, I am way too happy in my chair, can they just have a decency heart Supreme Court Justice America, to really prove it, I am WAY too happy in my own height?????

You know, Prince Char, I have the wrongful vision all the time...I heard my ex bf was called in to the America Military to making juice for their pets.

If they do that, these pets will scream ~~

A room with all those books I purchase, with carpet, and warm fire places, and he sits in a comfertable one person chair couch....to reading it, to that entire empty room.....

What is that?

Go back to Prince Char

I actually told this story for a very long time.

Its the time when Simon was in Milan.

called 田園制度

a little bit like that Wizard ....Disney blue dress...that Wizard.

Kinda like Da Vinci with a little boy.

Do you want to look up what is 田園制度?

The sovereignty of a country was given to the castle of the nearby all farmer's lands. There are systems how to run the city channel water, like Da Vinci design?

Its about England, Simon, and their Prince Charlie.

Like Keanu's middle name is Charlie

My engineer, is Charlie.

All the things you like Prince Char like to play knight and swords....you can travel to see England, all these things, you have condition, with a full castle loads, if you gather them, and rule them, all the similar mental situation like you, or different, you can request if you all can go to England castle and tour around.

No going out, ADD, for 2 weeks from today on.

Just don't write any schedule anymore.

Do you Prince Char wants to rent downstair with 1 year ahead of all rents + electric + water 12 months in advance?

Our floor down. 

He wants to be my mother's kid.

Well, you Prince Char can do this to tell him, "I pay for you, but you tell me one thing, do you really think, you are her mother's Real Love.

Same height, just a little bit taller?

So that means, where your wife and kid goes?"

You don't think, I was telling you the Truth? 

or you mean Tina's guard position?

Like me and Wallace?

Wallace Betrays Taiwan, my country to salute to China, do you hear that I say that in Chinese?

He is a 幹部 he joins those 人民大會

Kinda of a professional terms in Politics in China.

Do you remember that girl, Laura's position says to you, Shamoun?

You say: Call me Char?

Shamoun in Chinese, you know what that is?

If you add King in front of .

Its a full name


Tina has a roommate in shopping mall job.


I am telling you .... 

These people really 欠揍 !!  Require to be beat up !




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...