2021年9月7日 星期二

🧊🧊 Personality analysis 🧊🧊

MD Doctor Reports:  

If I live in Eon, practices 布衣, let's say, I come to a village to hear, there is a Bible with whom have a prophecy. Its 5000 years later at so and so location.

Define Mundane World Common Traveling list to observe

    They rob, they sex, they wine, they drug, they Media, book, TV.

Comments: No precepts.

Emotional ( Blind, too tall, impaired )

Orlando, Annca, Jason= 小郭

They accidentally use their elbow to hit someone's eyes, that is funny !!! Laugh !!!!! 

拔固的 Attitude



Eben Pagan, political like Johnny, like Rockfeller, like Pang Jao. 書生 ( Impaired )

Its personality defects. They only know how to prove their points. Not to the point, that is no hope. A lot of people can think with their head, like schooling, they can do paper works.

Tell them to write down a list of points, you observe from that politician, how they argue, and why you support them in that ground, including their money spenting that you willing to support them. 

They have analytical mind, somewhat developed.

You want to write down a list of my UB class name? One of them is Analytical Chemistry, with an analytical lab. I found most people don't know the English word "Analytical". Because of the encountering with the MD committee board, someone did something I recently found. Its English words you don't know what I am saying, the vocabulary? 

engrain? embellish? embroidsure  ....I know the sound, embroidery, not embroidsure. Born still? You don't know the baby still-born? Shape-shifting? Paradigm shift? Synchronicity? 

Eye sights blurs, foggy, unclear?  You feel weary, meaning tired. Tiresome. Nerves? Like nerve-recking ?

Like the Actor name, Ben Stiller....still ER. (Meet the Parents, 2000)

Status quote, statue report, briefing, you mean you don't know that briefing, in Ms Congenality 2.

A brief summary. A briefing is when you talk to police, you stand in front, a short briefing.

A concise points of things you are saying, clear and loud? 

You don't know Dead Sea Scroll, you mean Essene, they are Order in the Early Christian time more clear, you say Enostic? I don't remember how to spell that word, Early Christian, the 2nd Century, those are Early Christian.

BC, or AD, you at least know that, Jesus die = 0 year, we are at year after year 2000, 2021.

20 years after 911.

Mystery School, those are Pythagoras stuffs.

Vegetarian, you know that. Vegan, no milk, no cheese.

Breatharian, live on chi, the air, Prana.

Liquidarian, tea, or juices, I drink all kinds, as long as they are watery ingredient?

Ingredient, like food ingredient, the color agent, preservative, artificial flavors....those are ingredient.

Nutritional facts, those are fat, or carbohydrate, vitamin  A, C....K are soluable vitamin? Dissolve in the water.

Stock Room, library stock room, where you shelving the books, you stack up all the books in the cart, and push to the desinate area of floors, from basement, dark and gloomy, to the 5th floors, depends on your lists of books slips?

I live in America 14 years.

I suppose to be Pharmacy major.




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...