2021年9月6日 星期一

Pang, if you know all of them want you dead, here. Birds and animal kingdoms.

 They specifically say it very very clear, you be dead.

You take it as 挽留你嗎 ?



Let's talk.

My room has a lot of this hermits 隱士

They know you too....you need to 挽留 all of them, like open that door 2 hours a day, in the morning, your mother will nagging you, from 8 -10

she always nagging you, there are bugs.


I told your mother I need 2 bottle vitamin C, 

unfortunately, I look at the photo, I give Babaji one bottle.

Or they all share one bottle.

She will nag.

All the time, I had only small bottle, they rest using big bottle, because your mother always envy hurting everyone here.

You come here, to owe them, all?

In my room.

All the hermits.


Everyone is hurting to live here, in this tiny tiny room, on the floor to sleep and sit, on the cold, nice looking only floor. They have no choices, sleep on that, or outside, if my door was shut and locked for the 6 years now.

What does that mean, you meant to provide it all? 什麼意思你要提供所有?

Under all weathers of all conditions?  任何情況之下的天氣?他們現在在外面門口等? 我進出 10次嗎 ? 跳出去跳出來~你不知道吧 ?

How I jump in jump out, climb up on that stack of woods, for birds on the roof to see me?

Really? And jump where? the floor that 凸出來的東西很難踩!

You have nothing but selfishness.... only, Pang. 你只有自私! 饒邦 !

Selfishness only....只有自私!

 I don't stay on my chair, these birds have every single day briefing report on my desk...with all the flowers your mother went to a market, to get it for them.

All the flowers she carried home, herself, at her age, for several years now.

Her throats problems, Pang.

假日花市你真的想要陪陪她嗎 ? 她想要什麼?

I actually crawl in front of Tim Cook eyes, when everyone's monitor are looking at him comic books with Jesus.

I am crawling under like water tower workers, not a really meant to be, living inside my chair, I am on the floor.

He might see all that, what I gonna do? Lie to you or lie to him...I am crawling under, that to check all the pipes, or ...where is this water leakinig outside, under the bucket, you wash, the edge, for birds to stay on it to drink, soap and rinse 1000 times?


use your finger?

Do you learn washing with Nick Catricala?

Learn washing dishes.....

Their height, its a small bathroom.

All the animal uses man's toilets? no Cover or? girls I am sitting on it?

I wash it all ?

You all don't really care about Bible says

This year is jump, leap, bounce, because you all are too tired.

Not really, for your laziness, and Bible, you all take an easy way out, no matter what.



 I have told you specifically, I hate music, I hate ipod, I hate ipad, I hate monitors, I hate TV, I hate PC, meaning computers

I hate sitting in the chair!!!!!!!!

I need sofa?

What do you love to do in life?

Do you write it down?

Who you are?

What you do?

ARe you really loving that every day, each day, maybe sunday?

I have to go behind your mother, coming in and out, this kitchen all the handlers....all the windows, or touch of any kinds, so I don't fall down there?

Look at the neighbors and all the clouds with shadows coming in, yesterday Birds meant to say they stand in the rain all the time?

Someone is not getting head clear, do you see?

Do you see your neighbors?

Do you know what your neighbor meant?

Do you mean that is all we dead, if that line, is moved?

Do you remember what roach told you at night? 9 oclock?

The line, after?

After night?

or after 9?

Do you care one step on the kitchen,

jump on

jump in,

crawl ...its one right door

one left fall windows??

Every ktichen drawer i have to check National Treasure, all the glasses, or table, you think I don't know how to touch all the buttom, or pulling all the handler, right or left...its horizontal?

All the magic Chinese boxes???

NSYNC might be nothing, so no camera they look until the day they die, I am telling you, if they saw anything or everything....

One of you, or the rest humanity gonna die on it....

Because they exist.

Aladdin, the Whole New World?

We are going to live in the 1st floor? That?

I don't think so, Taipei!!!!


You know, you all living in the illusion why things are fallen apart, in front of my camera, so more people coming in, or moving out at least????

你們活在一種假象裡面為什麼事情好像開始...壞掉的意思! 在我的眼前的照相機呀 ! 是更多人來還是你們應該滾出去至少?

I need to lay down on the bed sometimes....just sometimes

You all don't even care what others in life, have to go through, so you have an open Disclosure for Real Love, watching me all this under their high tech, trying to tell you, jump, Leap, Bounce, I need you to follow Bible, not tired, to tell you, all just watching TV monitor how handsome Hell is? JC?




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...