2021年9月19日 星期日

Is Eben kid? no, I don't think so.

 I think....in that world.天啟~ If I remember correct, not my story even.

Its in the movie, they are saying Desert Weather Race descendent on sex, or on beating wife guys temper.

American normally should not do that.

 (你們如果是說:如果問我安那問題我會開始閃爍不堪的意思? 是說我相信什麼? 真實事情?

有這樣嗎 ?? )

Guys like those....needs a lot of faces. A lot of faces. Anger contains, and they are all well built. Michael Fassbender.

Dean plays Hockey.

Everything looks nice, so its their muscle strength and their speed. 

Its chasing prey's speed.

Today the modern education wish to join a high order of class, called the outside civilization?

You mean like Venus?

I don't know.

My father does not beat people, if you just give him something to eat.

But someone near us, might be kids, correct.I don't know which one. Usually you just provide food to all anyway. If you were placed in as one of them, anyhow.

But people rely on their mother, and they become forgotton its you yourself family you should go and attend to like Hank.

Its my mother always ensure people feel good. oh ~ She does that, if not just last life, if its every life. I pray God that might not be the cases...

Her husband and debtors are outside....

I will tell you, every family are open doors for the outside door, you American family did that for me, about 20 years ago. I went once, twice. That was it.

But when God place you 5 people in the same household, you should just remember I told you so, its 5 people God intend in between yourself you know how to work closely each other. 

Of course, I always meant what I tell you that.

Modern guys received education, and the education this world defined, to looks like Lee.

That is more than what every girl wants, someone like best friends, someone like to drink occasionally. Not too much of high goal, just step by step in the bio chem field, to High Glass cup, celebration of sometimes, Washington D.C funding.

They so weary out in those days of lab....

How many years pass by ...I still remember all of your face.

Have some good hope of high living with pure imagination, you feel better in life yet?

Aging is real, you all guys better hurried up, not think of beating its ilegal...in today's world....really.

In the ancient world guy, I already told you, penis keeps clean for ....the reason, guys are like that, never touch the skin ....


Of course, there is remedy....Stretching right, but you don't really know how....Ancient Chinese practices those you love seeing things on you yourself on the TV

You....where these you are at?

You want to beat people, when you do all that, guys?

Comparison 1 to 10?

You think you among guys, how much you wish to beat people?

我說你做這些中國功夫有沒有很想打人的所有感想 1 - 10~~你覺得男孩子打人跟教育有沒有關係?


其實就在台北小中心附近,如果你從何家慶公司來我家! 看著燈



我餓了~ 吃飯 ! 







阿南其實我已經不想跟他再一起了~他講話傷害人的關係,原來他是瘋子的關係! 他可能一直想說他想說的,你們先問他是不是那樣,說那如果安那問你,你想講還是動手動腳講呢?




 你們有你們的師父,她我根本不在乎她在哪個家庭,但是記得她是出家人,她曾經的誓言是跟子歇一樣的,出家人是出家人她們考試進去一起的珍愛呀 ! 人擺著就是環境會比較安和樂利、安貧樂道的意思! 有電視就把電視搞清楚,人多腦袋有什麼不能處理呢? 都是自己人,不需要出來找外面麻煩,因為真的很麻煩! 


我同學死了活著在哪~我其實 16 年過去了~講給你們師父聽~ 16 年了! 我人生到底是哪裡她覺得我很不舒服必須要找他們呢?

不是嗎 ?

你們師父其實很多事情無法容忍 ! 所有別人死了她覺得臉面比較有光彩的關係! 是不是越南小尼姑姑?

都說人不知到怎麼站著聽的話,你可以趴著聽著,知道嗎 ? 沒有高跟鞋,就是長人往下看呀 ! 底表的表面~知道沒有?



都說所有人有佛心,無一不是佛呀 ! 未來佛是跪著嗎 ?

是這樣嗎 ?



 人生常常久久,你的東西都是你想要拿回去的呀 !她們想親自調教你,看你是不是都是我說的細細小小,但是它們還是很愛你願意給你呀 ! 你的哪種脾氣越來越是難不難女部女~~~




這種字詞語~~~ 不要到時候你變出來很多爸爸,越南小尼姑! 

這 Dr. Steven Hairfield 可能活不久呀 !


你有沒想過呢? 佛對你最好的那一個! 還是我對佛最好的那一個呢?

我對他對你是一樣的好的呀 ! 



這全天下的一個開啟~叫做星際我來了?嗎 ?

真的嗎 ?

喔~ 所以台灣人中國人沒有聽懂所謂

維吾爾族跟突厥人是這樣嗎 ? 

那就先這樣呀 !






 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...