2021年9月8日 星期三

如果你們在美國吃三明治🥪 if you are in America eating sandwich

 Yeah, you are doing on purpose. 對!你故意!

Even the political extremelist guys they might have work in different jobs, to say imagine the movies to the worse degree, David Jones those ….about sex, they might think of.

But Asian doesn’t really eat the sandwitch. 亞洲人不太吃三明治吧?

I already say to model worlds, girls, if they want a dozen guys, as long as they keep clean including no drugs, smoke, alcohol to die young, they have no shame anyway.

You are all….college, university degree.

Your father will not do that to you. 你們爸爸不會那樣對你

But if they have a son to your mother, it’s the safest, cleanest, and your mother does not want AIDS outside, no ! Not fooling around girls. 但是如果你們爸爸有一個兒子對你們媽,其實最安全、最乾淨的情況,而且他們的媽不希望 AIDS….不是都是腰間鬆軟的女生!


You don’t seem to be able afford yourself money, anyway to say with any guy.

你們對你們的經濟好像 ….

My fathers friends have all girls. 我爸的朋友的小孩全部都是女的!

小龍我其實不知道她是演到哪個人的東西,但是她在加州吧?我說饒邦這裡!我有說他特別來回加州?還好吧?小龍有兩個姊姊比他大吧!他 … …. 饒邦喜歡俠咪?
怡君是他表姊 …
你媽最近喜歡在電話上講什麼,你也跟我說我以前有身上味道 ….以前?

我其實現在不吃三明治,我吃 ciabatta 但是白麵包!

很久以前邦來過 1525 Amherst manor 
我好像給他 20 三明治他說他做公車回家, 裡面夾東西的!

看這邊有沒有 ABC 呀!!
鳥說 …他們嫁給你們?


他大姊有很多 associate, bf, yet-to be bf Zawanna those imagining type !!

Austin 他到底生了什麼病, 我其實也不知道,他們說 ADD! 他們身高差不多,我當初是 23 together with Nick
這三隻幾歲呀!!過了 30 !! Hank has 2 kids already !

Anan (Nick) might know girls what ages too… he is that jealous younger kids ?

我們先把很多東西夷為平地先 … …
這種婚嫁的東西,饒邦說不定沒有騙我呀!他說他是 gay.

建中儀隊,很久以前我跟邦說!他自己找公車….中山儀隊其實就是用我們體育館五樓的室內牆壁,我們辦公室旁邊,usually Eben Pagan never knows such a thing , 因為其實我們就在隔壁,場地、排球對牆壁一開始,練習跟牆壁 ….I like that stuffs.
A lot of us have to face wall alone in weekend.
其實 Hank 他現在在台灣也應該管好他們自己的東西吧?

你們是聽說還是 look at money potential? I have none.
But Pang, he might need your transcripts, he is a gay. He cares about a lot of stuffs of that. Grades reports university, high school, or PCAT. 像他大姊一樣呀!





 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...