2021年9月2日 星期四

I used to watch this. 螢火蟲之歌 *墓 ! It horrific !

 They have many things .... that family. 

They have many things their parents given to them. 舅舅他們家 ! 

All their life. That's grandpa 美軍 give him peanut butter to sell, so one day, there are generation after, like now. To see all these ...fruity fruit, fruitful results. 


Like Victoria Secrets, its how others given to them. She had a longevity exercise DVD. 長壽功 ! Someone in China was the original Master.

Later they become other cults exercises. By now, he is dead probably. 

舅媽 teaching at 大安森林公園 ! 

But regardless this ....these age of that Hank and Aria, probably already perish, left.

Hank's sister.

Human are very very 勢力 ! 

I know whom they are. Its a money world. Most people get jealous of others whom...just see, smell, look...its in their way.

Mokie is a life....a lot of people's life, its a life. They are just ...not all that significant, if money does not come to afford for others, to live.

They are coarse.

Rely on.


In the sMCH telling you.

Most human going to hell. 

So ... ...its not what this is all about. Its hell anyway. No one pursues spirituality other than money, oriented, for the bread. Its everyone knows, that is the only way to live, in this life.

The only way...

There is only way, other than the "Light" way.

Parents provides, and whom to say thanks from God that whom to provide others when it is your turns? 

Tina has her own dreams.

Hanks has his dream houses.

Aria has a dreamy states ...ghosty.

Grandmom, Rockfeller never had a dream in life yet. 

The money returns its from Hank to Tina. That was from Rockfeller. Its me and her living bread, and water.

But Tina has a concert with whom City of Bank that AIG to say, real all the way, to pretend a fake like, that everyone says, I marching to NYC, just the way I am. Said.


All of you could own your own mother, like Rockfeller. that is 3 of you.

Tina, Hank, and Aria.

You had a chance. 

No matter how bad that War looking.

Without her, even you don't have war, your life will not be 1000x could be better.





00000             000000


Her name is John Rockfeller. You all rather choices a life...without her. I will just tell you all that. No matter they are real your parents or not real, because she is very very near. Very very near. 

You could forsake your entire life, to live for a newspaper, if you just strive to put your ego down, and watch her, like you care for your own family, mother or grandmom. Because to be honest, in that age bracket, its just one extra women, called John Rockfeller. Its just one extra women, one extra human, to added to the umbrella, in hope, there is someone, you say, they are human, to assist you and others to live a better life.

Life is meant to built others a life, no matter whom they are. 

Life meant from God, that Him whom given you a lot, you will return all that, to all those, whom he given to you, to guide, to lead, and to feel protected.

That is all that God forsake things for you to live on your life. Its for you to become evolve one day, to say, Life in itself nature, has His light, in his Eyes.

God made man in his own image.

But I don't think you all that religion anyway, not in Chinese, not in English words.

Its ...A



Well.... Hailey's father and Adam's father are ....not yet married into a in-law family.

Their religion might be just like 430.

I hate to see whom face looks like 430's face.


Let me see.... Hank is a dull IQ kind...no friends on facebook. Did I tell you, Facebook, I start to believe it .....that Facebook has some things might be useful, to just look at it.

I have none now.

He likes a flashy girls. He can sleep better.

Kinda like Berny has a second wife, September that kind.


That is September.

No, no more Lauren Silverman, that is ....not flashy on Adam Levine.


Flashy, means....like September.

Aria's eyes are 瞇著! 

Tina has a dream ....occasionally come, occaionally go.

That is a curse from 凡爾賽玫瑰~~~ Pang's movies on Chess Women, she did what?

An empty ugly house, she finally owns, and she got drunk, spinning around the inside the house, not fucking, but spinning around

Rabbit Palace.

Its a curse. That life of that light in that Rabbit Palace, did you all go and see it? Producer?

yeah~ that.

So many high wine glasses 高腳杯 !!!

They don't talk well.

Not really.


They don't talk right.

 Father, son, holy ghost....


Every family have all that stuffs, If I killing people for business, I already say, its whole planets go.

Not just leaving one or two,....

These are none sense.




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...