2021年9月2日 星期四

★☆★ 中國在徵才跟美國是一樣的 !!!!! ★☆★

Whatever they say from the government, 他們中國美國就是在訓練、培訓人才呀 ! 真的有夠煩的你們! 


Irvine Lane? Michaelson? Bowling Ally or Valley, I used to hear that in English?我以前聽過是哪一個字? 保齡球後面的那個字!  那去玩了沒? 很緊張? 人都擋在你們的正前方嗎 ?不就是旁邊嗎 ? 你們用同一個 Lane? 我以前玩的時候,好像大家一起坐在那一個 Lane 上面呀 !


Pearl and 方方可以找人一組呀 ! 我也不知道哪一年他們會存在耶! 現在睡死了吧 ? 晚上時間! 可是保齡球很多人玩過呀 ! 那也不是公眾場所,你們站在一起很緊張嗎 ? 拿個球很緊張~怎麼不說神出現你們很緊張的意思!!! 



說呀 !


很緊張 ~~ 看的出來! 遙望無期的意思 !! 那是一個球,有重量的 ! 你的手確定你是碰到球嗎 ? 就像你們相信你們的眼睛嗎 ?


呷咪 ? 手持雙劍?


... ... 



I was thinking....the tie 領帶好了 !! 男仕服 !! 地上水泥地撿起來很快樂的意思嗎 ? 有沒有感想寫好呢? 保齡球詐長笛一定會? 斷掉嗎 ?

Military Orientation table, 8 years, you seems to have a lot of money, 4 wheels, flute, and bowlings....heavy. How is the ditches? That is everyday going that way, or you create your own ditch, and copy exactly the same? Someone willing to do that, to open portals so many places? Really? 

When I design that places, its for my father, and Hank, 方方 they have a place to rest their traveling times. California has a lot of activities. When they told you there are gold mine, they are very well established. There are a lot of festivity going on, new auroma of happiness are always in the fitness, and sunshine happy happy.

When you have family, friends, and know people going there, it will be happier....You will see a lot of Asian family are there. A lot of Asian restaurant of different family ties, are all there situate in those places. Eating, dining experience and social ideas. There are other races but its all sunny california. Fitness are New Age hot stuffs on the market, and they are the foremost, have the base to do all that, with the ideas, to live healthier, happier, and pursue something a little higher? So I mentor them, just because Tina's song, saying we all empty suicase NEw York City, to travel California 2013, we are betting on it, we will arrive in California fine?

Some we did something at 2013, so there are 2021 ...so in case, you are observing yourself, or others leads, to other State of the United States, Family wealth or gangs, or you yourself, can you just remember, this is the 8th years of your own photo making, saying 8 years ago, someone been somewhere, to cultivate a lot of the local connections?






 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...