2021年9月15日 星期三

I am watching the Ella Enchanted post, oh Adam and Hailey, Adam and Laura with Disney 方方 and that is her Surgeon Military Father....I don't think it will ever be that disable.

 Pets meant I have too many problems? That is the reason why they join the military, America? Marine..... walking on the road, meaning 地勤?

That is people, what did you all write? 小鬼小和尚小孩~腦袋過來 ~~你們 知道耳朵長在哪嗎 ?

Wake up !!!!!! 

Laura she is in Kentucky, we eat at KFC in University of Kentucky. Dining hall. Coslaw. Wedge potato fries.

No, I go to cell biology alone. That is....I don't remember where I met Laura.



Laura write Ola, Simon Cowell, UB honor class 105 fine. She is similar like Lee in articulation. That is fine. Checked.



Comments: keep her, its best than keep any of them, at all. One Laura.


But she is only like Lee.

Similar like Lee.

Nice, and will get those thing organized. That is it. No, she is not mobile.

No. Not military type. No no no no....

Did you ever train military? they are all psycho.... starting at the orientation table. Every, single, year!

Where can I make a phone call? To my long lost aunt, somewhere not in California...

They learn how to rehersal every words before they raise their two cents of trying to get the right question across the hall, there is a point.

There is no point, sit down.

That's emerngency....


I have a bottle of vitamin C here. Come up. Open it up yourself. Take 2. Go and sit down?

It will be in your drinking water every single day. Understand? Its color yellow, can you see? Color? Its called Yellow. Steve Jobs cold stone band, whatever name that is....had a song name.





 You can wave a flag with all your new friends here?

 I ask you did you see? Can you see yellow?

Do you want to bring a raffle with you?

Or two guys with 3 raffles?

Before I ever train anyone left behind, you go with 2 together dead with 20 years training, and makes 40 years in karma....and 3 raffle moneys....you pay?

What do you and your aunt do for a living?

You come to military has a purpose, to either makes others live or die, or you live or die....so I assume you will have a good reason why saying all that.

You want to stand over there, or go back to your seats?

Knowing your aunt is not my career, but knowing you would become my career?

Most people would spend 20 to 30 years finding a tutor or examiners...with everyone except me from these called Google Cards, similar like BBC art auction 2008 Art bubble contemporary Art bidding events.

Those cards you seen it?

In the real world, has something remotely I see, its on the flat screen, not really a physical cards. Similar like they used to have Google+ but they close at the time, when I started it my career. Few years after.

They suspend the Google Plus.

Any question you have about that?

Adam Levine is a rock star, probably on drugs. They all are. You sing a song? I have no ideas what you have in minds to say today.

Not music?


What is 13x13?






So you have any background particular, looks like your face to say?

Vitamin C is not a prescription drugs. They are dissolving inside the water, there are two kinds of vitamin. One dissolving in the ....dissovable state, the other is not. 

Did I repeat myself saying two kinds?

You pee out of it.

You drain it all out.

I learn that in my middle school textbook, in Asia.

Correct, I used to be young, about 8 years ago, + another 8 years, to say 20 years ago, I was young.

Why I am telling you that?

In 8 years....

use your fingers counting 8 long years, you will see miracles.

I am not my age on my cards?

... ...

Do you have a library ID card, I do that my career. Librarian, with numbers behind....


Of course not.

 Its digital era...info war zone times. Paper made strategic reasons.

 I came out of it. 8 years ago.

16 years ago, a relationship.


You have a profolio, Eben Pagan says, or you have a pathfinder, some where library says?

He is a consumer psychology behavior expert in digital era field, high school graduate like you? He might be showing up in different room, when you go there.

No, we do not really know each other, yet. If you becomes this... obsessive to go and tell him about it.


Keanu Reeves has a brand products, not the dental association I used to tell little monks groups, with little ghosty, little kids, to....represent future products line.

Its yellow.

I regent.

I was telling you the Truth. From the beginning.

Its called Yellow !



He is fine. If you see someone comes in the military unit, they are all fine.

You have not grown your IQ to doubt your military at the first trial out, you just got out where? High school or college?


... ... He likes books. No, you don't like books.

I read books probably 16 years ago.

I used to live in the 5 Lake region area, Water around. Lake bad weather snow effects. And Canada, travel back and forth. Washago. Woodbridge. 

Italian neighborhood, there is a black family comes in.

So we moved.

 ... ...

No, I teach Ancient Chinese + Music 

Maybe Organic Chemistry/ Chemistry

Lee Solomon, no.

But we both tutoring students, I would 

Comments MD to and for: You can start first year a student pretend to teach whichever subjects for next 8 years someone already started permit at age 15.

For Medical Doctor

For Medical Doctor Student/ Intern

For Military people like you.


Eben Pagan may not be on the list, correct. I made him a playlist this month.

Like I say, 16 years ago. I had a major.

Undergraduate, Chemistry, B.A


Is there a reason why you always think I lie to you? You check every line.

Your general chemistry might have accuracy and precision methods, meant target center, or concentrate side.


Organic Chemistry and Bio chem.

How we met?

 Sailor moon Comet issues.

Uranus and Neptune, entire Educational Sectors, for the education purpose, only.

I invent something DNA level, he does ATP level, Saturn if astral body out

CERN Da Vinci Codes, at Pluto level.

Yeah, if you try this right, everything right better at it.


Bill, my facebook used to be have boss in the hospital.

W Two worlds, for slippering car....

That is a practices.

One door part two worlds.

I always teach them little kids, the monk, the ghosty, the first thing on their list about tea and water.

Tea is a kind of water liquidish....not ice on the floor....

One of those saying. Ice is on the floor to ...get down.

Water tea is a cup they just pouring to their old monk and say "Tea is a type of water"

Instead of saying one door part 2 worlds.


But we do have an agreement. Its the second option they do what they want. First option was skin off, entire body, in Chinese literacy mean,

you fainted first. Nerve entire body....felt. But you fainted anyway.

There are so many ways to say this ....paper made approaching dating advice, Eben does double your dating business psedo name David, 430 Scientology short David, about middle school height.

Dwarf like that girl in the President Slovenia, high heel lady, Vietnam Spiritual teacher 越南小尼姑 SMCH


 Mentor Reed.

Steve Jobs son. Probably all right. Table cloth with embroidery....tea?


They design product, like I told you already, its 20 years ago, Double Your Dating, by Eben Pagan.

Similar are all designed products Guru.

I told you 16 years ago, I read a book.

Recent books covers are Prepare, Aim, Fire. 

That is 3 words.

I used to have 10 students per semester, makes 2 semester

4 total years with Lee 1 student per semester? You want to look up his current teaching position at Mason George.

They cannot let me teaching you, because I don't quiz them, they all dead probably I never quiz them or evaluate them. They never told me the first day on the jobs, you want to state it why you are the first day? Like today?

It was a boss telling me, I be there. That was it.

Linda, CADS lab, EOP, ACE, SSS program under New York State Educational Funding Budgets, other than my Library budgets for database.....Graduate School.

Did I ever tell you that was 16 years ago, I seen a real human in a relationship, just two of us, 


on my facebook 5 Lords, your SMCH Supreme Master Ching Hai, meant 10 of them +10 O Town Liquidish 2 wings, why she will be there, your room to go??

Might be....Similar...yeah. Breatharian.

It just happened SMTV

I operational alone.

Seeing Artitech, Lake House.

Rabbits Palace near 101, Taipei, Taiwan, ABC Mart.

My bf nick is TTC driver bus. Canada.

I am 174 臺尺

Height Britney.

Artist ! 

Reconnaissance Number 1 Chair.  

My father is Tesla.

Black White vision.

No money. I have to make money. At the other posts to you? no, Its on my phone, the money, to him.

Not sure where he is really.

They occupied everything I ever do with Tina house

Lakewood California, Frozen seal on Castle

Let it go.

Everything all I design, your military take over.

Whichever name no name.....




Vision 174 their unit, height...SI unit.

Yehweh= Jao Wei


At DMV Labor New York State Unemployment offices

They use a real pen.



 I tell you because Jobs Title, first Line, Bible

Jump, leap Bounce, = 2021

Maybe you do ipad pro those Farmville too

 Its Farmville 2, Facebook has Farmville 1


Too many photos, they say you heck....right next to the column introduction.

Google Blogger


 Parents are made to look after things they born with a duty, and yet, you have a tendency to come forward to stand as a witness, because that without Eben, last name. Its not on your military unit orientation table list?

I am always at the orientation table for 8 long years....

That is not so?

You want to introducing yourself?

Bashar they do that all the time. Question longer than he responses....Its called the inner experience to make a splendid, tiredness, I go to sleep.

If in your head, that was prepared, is that hurting you now, if you cannot open your mouth on the microphone?

She put a high heel on the microphone stand.

She sits down with her height 4 feet short.

There is a medical name I told them yesterday. I think? That was a warring country.

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By Anna Rao

Supreme Master Ching Hai Television, SMTV, Gift of Love

That is her used to be Sunday cooking show.

You check Facebook Kenshine 2015 (Winter)

Me profile.




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...