2021年9月15日 星期三

Don’t you love Harry Potter? 你們不是很喜歡哈利珀特嗎?

 You role play among you, my materials are in court room, not in public domain. I took it down myself.

Of everything to impress me ….Clark kiss lana cheek. 



有點詛咒(是另外詞嗎?叫做髒話? 怎麼辦我其實沒有用過髒字,怎麼寫?)



狂歡 party, foods are all you wishes. 

To someone like me.


Does Court find criminal charges after they dead ?

Whatever that might be I describe anything these far why they shouldn’t be dead?

Simon Cowell meet Eben Pagan discuss in Legally Blonde Senator role with Les Brown close tie to …DC representative…I say that Eben Legally blonde 2014 to Simon. So he didn’t know, Eben wants Tony Robbin sex charge with Les Brown black to …Arabic Shilanka ? To ?

Simon is a Jew married to a Jew

Eben is a Jew testify Richard Brandon broken arm married used to Shilanka color low income house Canada, Lalla is from Canada. 

So that’s a break up a new toy Legally Blonde strategic methods to Senator 2015 publicly claim?

It’s Jewish Game, community house swap?


I give you a piece of advice because you don’t know for sure what’s on my legal name ENglish given by me 2015 or before 16 years ago…

Ola Anna

Anna Wei Jao

Haha….don’t tell anyone I never warn you so.

I am 白子畫尊上

I didn’t think I require an IQ trying to write line by line, Supreme Court!


Where is this Lee Solomon, I won't even get to question you why you are at Mason? 

Well, in case one day, you beocme Jesus....looking like 由基, can you just get rid of Eben Pagan, you can have all their junks, however handsome meant, arabic and shilanka, that tone of color, Lee.

The Sailor Neptune me Anna, asking you the CADS same tutor, Sailor Uranus you, in Sailor Moon, SUNY Buffalo?

I am so sick of this Babaji.






 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...