2021年9月13日 星期一

Certain human only cares about Works, someone told you that....Life has zero amusement. Correct

 You do not want to polish your skills in life

You do not wish to improve your language, one step at a time.

You wish to own guns, to threaten me near by to say eternal and wars, to pretend I do not know every words in your head, so you have a natural small voice, of each of your country citizen, you put like a line in front of me.

When that day, I turn around, to see all of you...you will know, that road down to the hell, if meant, you have a future ever in that flag you meant, you exist, for a reason, I ever care about, including Venus!


You born to live, so you go higher in evolution.

Especially if the Bible says to me, this is the end.

Don't pretend I am not a Christian, after 2000 years meant...whatever evolution if exists after this life....

I actually care about Timeless


Kalpa Evolution, if I do one hour work.

To make every timeliness of my evolution to become....grand and big.

If SMCH dares to use it those words called Timeless space and time, you enter meditation like you follow 5 precepts, and works diligently, and understand every teaching, not her yeh or neh, or jokes.....

I will tell you, that is 4 Heavenly Kings, you wish or not to evaporate to become,....that is 4 consciousness plane.

That is= endless galaxy

One plane of how many galaxy

you say one Milkyway,

Whatever left wing....you all saying stupidity, what Venus, or Central, or Edge....

That is one full plane of One Full King.

Of course, if I display my image, to that Pinterest, you suppose to know, I meant it, right.

Not for the position

It was not the reason I got initiate, but I know exactly what it means, outside this Earth, how far you travel?

26 light years, to Vega?


Tina just went to Los Vegas....

You know, I don't really need these every face I see on the newspaper, I kill them one by one, or they already dead by themselves without me saying it....

Its the same names you finish killing, I have no more. And I do not go out and trying to make any new friends other than you training them or nanny them, to be honest.

I do not travel, for the...how many times, I try to tell you, I hate airplane.

And I live here, my home.

This is my country, and you all ABC trying to tell your parents why I left? I say to you my passport expire, and the embassy moves, and apparently they have creative projects to drop airplane, so one day, we might be invisible,

That was for how many months we pass, that project, and one day, my father becoming Tesla, so that Giant Machine shows up from the 90s @@

No more UFO?

So...if I didn't get to Christmas....

There is every chance, this is only Sep.

You rule your own town, like you use your own eyes, to tell Police someone is hurting somebody, or will be...that is a normal mature person does mature thing?

I would not go anywhere, to make any more these smallville friends.

I rule the whole worlds....


I just gonna tell you, my brother grows tall...he like every stuff I have. Volleyball team, or any of these new or old friends....I actually don't care about any of this....he tried to be friendly to all of them.

But if you try to be his big sister...one day.

You better have every experty like I have ABC groups outside Taiwan, like they are European, or MD degree...its for him to look pretty.

That tendency? Guide him, lead him, wave him?

Why his mother has sneeze?

Did you actually hear what I say? When you go to America, or when you go to Europe, one day, you become compassion, to make a particular problems in smallville, and then, trying to kill them off, for your brother. to live right.

They are no good, I do not care about them.

Its to imagine, one more scenario, in Heaven, one day.....

That these human being, cannot be possiblely why shouldn't be in Hells?

Try to be the best person you all can become, these friends no friends matter so much, one day to let it all go.

You go somewhere else to make a new friend.

You know, I think they really in hell.....so the life practicality....just your profile looking good.

The actual value is zero.

okay, don't bother making friends.


Well...try to listen to what I suggest you. For any good or bad reason, you take everything good or bad.

You are to evolve to become the best of whom your parents born you with.

In any costs, that they never demand you a price, to hope, you become something greater than yourself.

At this time.

Its very annoying to me, all these seen human I know or don't know in front of me.

And they go to hell.

You know, of all the edge of me seeing life born and die...side by side...all these times, you will become every day deattach to those whom in front of you, no matter what.

You all believe those Near Death experience, then learn something.

Learn the facts of being shown to you.

That is right, they show me all the images.



But what did I ever tell you?


It might be, they never exist the day...since eons ago....long long ago, they were already in hell, and these movies made to hope you find some strength in life, to become greater, and by having these face near by, you know they did exist, but horrendously, the reason was, they were so bad in nature, their karma, are just like their destiny born, without a voice.


And when they die, that day, you will still knowing, they going somewhere....as if, they are inline to be judge to Heaven or Hell like your good heart to sit in church to imagine angel or God, but what if they are in the ocean sea, seen by others now, back end people, without telling me?

The face

and the horrific truth, of every degree ...the movies content illustrate to you?

Do you believe that facts of human life, was...just like they are born, sad, and negative.

They wish nothing but going to hell, and they are already never left there....

There is no meaning....to save anyone.

Because no one will ever found out the truth, where they really are.

These worlds and beyond, or one day, you going out the galaxy, even if it is true, if no heart magic....you want to left behind Shakymuni Buddha's teaching or Zen Teaching, Taoist teaching? To become Venus, all friends compound high tech worlds, world wide fame to sunlights?


你們想要 Let go 釋迦摩尼佛的教理嗎 ? 道教?

去外面如果沒有心的魔法~只是高科技成熟人做成熟事的金星人? 很好的物質世界,口才,醫藥,你可以成為你想要的那一天,如果你可以回來炫耀你的大學朋友,臉書朋友你並沒有理由送他們去地獄呀 !

這真的是你們想要的嗎 ?

不會呀 ~我們已經在那個路上,想清楚,也許你們家長也沒有辦法攔阻你們! 


你們想去哪裡,想清楚自己的 options


To full disclosure, US did have something called UFO congress meeting.

Bob Dean did participate in it.

His name still now being known to some.

That UFO Congress meeting, in America, has some military officers represent to tell you something what they know about this what they cannot identify objects.






Know your language, know your tempament, proper relaxation is what you need, when you need to sleep, yes...not playing your cell phone to say, facebook is really all you ever cared about?

You really care about it, I know that.


You have heard, my mother's friends, family, my father's friends and family

You have heard me Anna real human seen friends on the photo from the State School, going hell with it....and trying to survive on the TV without a gun violation ever again....





You feel supportive being here, because each of my family, did actively trying to live their life, as their best interest "is to be happy"

Do we understand this part?

We have friends so we say we are happy?

You cannot pretend they are your family. They are my family, if I put my works in them.

One day they will die! 

So go out, to find your own family, friends, school associate, professional Linkdin, if you use them.

I use Pinterest, to stay away far away from it all stuffs. I have a high tech nature, to see things....almost vomit...

You just hope and wish, its not in the counting down time, Heaven marks on the calendar...to say, open disclosure, if i see, one of those....One head things in the size of what the TV meant real?


There is Wing behind human back....that is how Birds flying to the roof, I am trying to build something if ever me and birds talks about, has to be at night.

We look at the building artitech, like last night.

They are just one wall next by. Pang and Tina's stuffs.

You don't need to live my life, trying to live the life, you tend to be.

You will say, you have every pain and suffering, or what felt...Just trying to be more you can do, if you know you are not an image, but a human you know you have to decide, its time to go to Heaven, or Hell, if you don't give 5000%....

And worse, of this open galaxy, they tell you all loving all supporting?


All light all shining, I ever will see my friends ever again?

You know, even Yeth, might not believe that stuffs, at all. He is UFO signature.....

If they are dead on the gun, with the police shoot them.

 You can just say, are you line and dots? like 櫻桃小丸子??

Line and dots, they are not a flat image.

Called close books, fairy tale ending, classic Disney story.

Prince and Princess....

Know some language as if you are really learning it this stuffs. Someone like me, is working, so you can know the future has a plan for you, if you just try !!!!!!!!

To build your language, in the defense of???

Every professionalism, you wish to become, more than what you have right now.






 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...