2021年9月6日 星期一


 我還沒有看完! ( I finish eating. I got hurt with the straw plastic)




有時候做到之後再看下一章節呀 ! 我很受不了一直看沒有意義的東西!

"請一兩百的老師?" Trump ~~~


All you girls any room, are a mess to put clothing on the ground.

I think all of you need your mother.

Bathroom floor, windows, those are high spray water, Mimmo's and England 500 of them jobs, after the floor blocks, to evaporate ....any unwanted....garbage things.

To me, that kind of reading.....do you want to just get approve from Tim Cook

Either started 2014, or started now, with going to Silicon Valley, rent a car, and visit them?

Talk to them, or just garbage that entire hotel strips, all the way to Stanford to honor Steve Jobs die on it.

Its way too expensive near Standford.

Tim Cook is profession for Apple after Steve Jobs. You sent your resume in yet?

Most people have a profolio, a package and Eben be seen in the Audience of that Video frames....there is a chance, you might just get them both to approve, what your language not to swear or curses to your mother, all the way shouting, before you see you all Lords? Jesus?

This scripts looks like 杉杉來了! They go to a vacational home.

2020, I watched it....

 You know, in Conan Detective, there are so many meeting of these you all love guys detective Young guys, in the cabin, to meet with clients, and talk with others, like that Conan's gf's father, when he sees clients, they are all wealthy man or woman, to these big huge houses....you ever remember??

柯南有很多那個先生的客戶,全部都是巨大商人的家,所以家人過去就是像這種基本禮貌跟參觀森林? 你們戀愛學的意思!! 

跟男孩子去森林? 偶然發現的一天!!!








 在也不是補習班!! 萬萬歲~ 我每一天都在教補習班~我覺得非常的煩~為什麼我好像都在出題?


 I think that two girls are from England?

Princess? Cousins of some sort of....all of their family?

Knows Tim Cook ...

They have big Mansion, to go and invite Tim Cook themselves all the time.....They should start to get straight in their head, with their own human looking girls, to look.....like that with Tim Cook.

I finish the third book.

You know Tim Cook 8 years ago, 2014

2011 it was 3 years before 8 years.

Here says 10 years...

We have 3 months before this year Christmas 2021

When you think of someone 51 and then 61

Then 71

Its not me, you know?

No, life has come and go.

They left this one life, you become zero, they go somewhere else.

I have no choices but to stay here, I am telling you!!!!!!

I am living a mentality, I have to go to DMV every 100 years, since 2006/2007 New York Labor Department, my unemployment insurance, I twitter them, to start saying Hi? I have a crisis....

Do anyone told American, military on the sea, do you have windows install below, a falls, if everything, just VANISH!!!!!!!!

That entire wall, or lines, where the Roach meant at night? after 9 oclock?

Kitchen and where Rockfeller seating at, not that direction to lean to the wall?

I was on your bus...do you film it?

I remember....

If Tim Cook has to wait you 10 years...oh my God, he already went through MLS. He might get an another educational credits, to say he is an educator?





 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...