2021年9月1日 星期三



說呀 ! 李維是哪樣嗎 ?


喔~~~~ 是這樣呀 ! 我也相信的 !!!

 我們曾經見過面對不對~李維?? 你真的長這種樣子嗎 ?



  ♫  ♫ ~~  Life is getting in the way....  ~~

♫  ♫ ~~  Life is getting in the way....  ~~

♫  ♫ ~~  Life is getting in the way....  ~~

♫  ♫ ~~  Life is getting in the way....  ~~

♫  ♫ ~~  Life is getting in the way....  ~~    

I need someone whom flies there, him? need a high heel. 

I need 2 minutes first day

5 mins second days.

Don't go over things you don't know what that is.

Like 甩裙子裙襬~以後 ! 你們的腳跟~叫做碰到~有沒感覺的? 可以站著摸著牆壁 !!! ? 

 你們有沒有昏眩的感覺以前? 昏眩?

眼鏡呀 ! 太暗呀 ! 很累~~什麼什麼?




太多粉了 洗澡粉~ 太久了! 

太多了! 我的胃 !!!



 你們對人生好像也沒有在定義~全部都是電視自己講! 你們也對自己的人生隨隨便便~有個什麼永生那用哪種態度去對在這所有,人、事、物,呢?



你們的心呢? 真的嗎 ? 那是什麼打動你們的心呢?

全宇宙都是浪漫的人,人潮洶湧~每一個世面都是人才幾幾 ....知道什麼是習近平的政治呢?

 這個世界 !!!!! 



那會是什麼定律,你們要怎麼面對你們的心?不耐煩的心律不整呀 ! 

就去死吧 !! 死了沒?


ET 到底活多久?


快點呀 !!!!! 很煩~~~!!!



Could you, would you, can you, autograph? Keanu?

You are a Hollywood Star, I have seen you on the TV.

From America! 

This is my pillow...I first time seen you, its in Matrix. You know Matrix? You wear blacks. My father is black and white vision. I see color, like i look at you. Can I have this things you hold it? 

 I have these ear phone listening to music? and this blue ray...microphone? tiny round things? Its not a thing I need. Do you know how to use this?

There is USB.

Blue tooth.

My whole room is going to fill up music, device. 


You don't happen to listen to any music? Like in Hollywood, what do they do for fun beside swimming pool like your house? 

Your real estate was on the internet, someone house was before you, an owner.

You actually know that right?

我跋山涉水來的 ..你的對面山脈~~~那邊 ...


你的這邊有樹 ... ... That over there, where I was across moutain hill, that is bare land from.

I been here before 8 years ago...

I don't remember the location, but there are trees.

I think I know there are different entrances...

Dead yet?

There are many reason en-carved to this grave before.... 

That is 一望無回頭 ....天地多遙遠~















 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...