2021年9月12日 星期日

方方~客戶關係! (提娜 花旗銀行篇 ) 重來吃海鮮

 Sea food

cut that open, teeth


Leave it


海水裡面有沒有味道 Elon Musk 會不知道他臉上貼呷咪,看到就是味道呀 !

 方方傷害大伯母會是什麼呢? 你根本不在乎他們的感覺!!  叫做阿公阿禡最疼的是誰? 最後的終點的那一個人,2010 怡君不是也回來看著大家嗎 ? 洛克菲勒不喜歡講話的那一個照片,叫做 1900 年!!!!!! 那誰要把這一件事情給問了?

所有人都是沒心沒肺~ 對,方方,這所有世界都是最多詞彙,你會的東西!!!





但是你只想做跟咪口一樣的事情叫做: 七年之後突然出現! 

關於你會做跟埃本一樣的事情!!!! 你為什麼不去做監獄! 跟所有人都一樣! 有一天他們會死的! 那一天很久以後的某一天~睡美人的王子監獄...會在打開的! 

幾年之內~你會有做你應該會做的事情的 ....


Bill Gates ~~~One of these Universal equation on Love

Princeton ~~ Maybe? He looks like Superman old, dying one, on TV.

haha...you know within the genius world, there are only those whom know the name, like John Nash ~!!!

I told you already, I don't need a reason to kill anyone at all....But I think, the time pass...they are dead.

That guy he invented something?



If I put on Pinterests and Contact a Local of any kind of New York or California Hospital, for records you all look so sickening ....or local jail in Taiwan. 台灣監獄叫做我為什麼這麼有自信我會把你們全部拖到他們的 cell ....


Guys like to report tiny things behind as if they are those tiny human 嘰嘰喳喳!!

Its to play a safe ground, which side should you stand at? That will be only Simon road....its to fall...he loves that game, its to fallen down....all the way...

all the way.


Why don't you just pretend to be like Vartan, there is a gun, and just use it! 

At least describe it right!

Guys do guys things, to be acting like a guy.

Tax form is Head Household.

Bill Gates ~~~One of these Universal equation on Love

Princeton ~~ Maybe? He looks like Superman old, dying one, on TV.

haha...you know within the genius world, there are only those whom know the name, like Jon Nash ~!!!

I told you already, I don't need a reason to kill anyone at all....But I think, the time pass...they are dead.

That guy he invented something?



Bill Gates ~~~One of these Universal equation on Love

Princeton ~~ Maybe? He looks like Superman old, dying one, on TV.

haha...you know within the genius world, there are only those whom know the name, like Jon Nash ~!!!

I told you already, I don't need a reason to kill anyone at all....But I think, the time pass...they are dead.

That guy he invented something?





Is City Bank real?

蝦咪!? 我現在竟然有爸 跟 媽?

... ... 我應該是去問他們還是我擺照片??



饒邦的媽見過 Karen





 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...