2021年9月12日 星期日

A few years ago, when we were doing some stuffs behinds, those year, I told you about 50 shades of grey, the contract things, those demolishing investigating of Jame's house, for example Erin.

That is absurd, right?

No body anywhere to be found, like a copy of her, everywhere, she stays, she walks on, there is a wall full of those, her body, here and there?

The few years ago things?  

If 5 Lords are doing that.... for example, SMCH loves to steps every worlds with her feet. Hotel, luxury, to say, spiritual portal, those things.....every house is a billing cycle to pay off when those body be found in there. She will die, when those body are collected.

You mean ... what I do in 5 Lords reviews, not making Luna, Harry Potter to moan at Dumbledore Death?


That time has already pass ...

oh ~2 hours pass? I went to bathing hour plus this hour?

So you are writing like these them?

Do you know ...

Never mind.

What was it you write?


For sure, one thing I know, its not...one coffin, and then the entire water body, is full of all coffins.

That is horrific !

No, these are not hyponosis !


oh ! 

Zawanna and the dance?

No, we didn't dance. That is not that.... 

Is that you want to tell me, you like that guy? 白色圓舞曲? The name is 亞斯?

Right, these atomsphere of what I saw vision, is what I will tell you, when I used to review comic book my middle school years. I didn't really see 白色圓舞曲

I did open once

I know they have fire place, and he comes back.

But when the day....that I can really borrow the comic books, I never choose it to open and read it anymore.


Do I need to look at Zawanna?

I was in the kitchen, I saw pumpkin, meaning, you all remember I used to say, there was some palace activity going on, every villege girls receive invitation? A lot of classic Disney tale, of that....

No they come here, Earth.

Someone has known this Bible things 2000 years later something, going to happen.

That is real things.

There are some people....I don't know if the outside world are real. They are target at Keanu Reeves.

I keep seeing ...they are dead, or hell.

Meaning...this is really not that important of a thing, real love?

This Era saying Real Love on the Television?

Why don't you say, God will wipe your every tear...and there shou never be more death? But living water? what was those saying in the Bible again?

Say again, what if, you are those guys???

Royal born? Blood Statues? 血統問題? 那第一生多久?

How long is the First life?

1000 years human body years?


You are not actually believing yourself, they are waiting for you?

You know today is a lot of people's 忌日!

Maybe you never hear me, I walk with them side by side starting my career 2014.

 Maybe its not real, but I will tell you, there are some facts of that....affects me.

On the other side.

They all becoming....a little bit different.

But then, one day I told you, the very cruel way of Three World Laws was....that, its never is a real thing to feel anything for them, at the real bad karma they incur them. All lifes.

It may be all false.

But they linger as if you have some good wish, well wish, for their ever next journey on board.

They try to tell you, they are support to you after they die.

But those are none of them might be real.

They can die in any years of their life, let's say, they live 100 years old, they die in 20 years old.


So what it is again, about your wishing, there is a true love from where? Waiting for you, at the end of your life?

So these name you see I kill, has no more ideas whom they were, whom they are?


Did you all say, you trying to imagine 5 Lords Reviews? So how far did you get, in your imagination of what is Real, to define Matrix World, like this World?

You look at outside 天地多遼遠~~~and sing a song?

You know a lot of you, are the kinds, if you really becoming me, to becoming David Jones, you rather to kill them in this hour before you, right that monent, not to see Kerry Underwood, "The temporary Life" and see Skype message never went through. Whatever you think you have becoming me through?


okay ~~

Like, one parenting, maybe just one ...single parent type, let the boy going with the girl and that girl was put to the jail after. She is someone's girl. Something happen, they are together, but later the parenting able with the boy, sent her in the jail. But he becomes horrific. The parenting going everywhere to reach help, hoping someone can get that case....

Yes, it worked.

That help was for that case, they really need that case. But it is very dangerous.

That guy....well, outside you never will see what you treasure you son.

Inside, when he sees her, he sees lust.

I will tell you what is the lust things to many guys drunk or drugged intended...they do not know exactly the high feeling, like you touch yourself on the penis.

People have to know what that is, to know if drugs or alcohol helping them at all.

If you are impaired....I heard the guy told me...before he got to the point "drunk" its a flowing feeling.

I never have that.

The alcohol 酒精 (喝酒的事情)


This song, someone, parents, went to follow this teaching. The saying, you better just let them be.

But the parents give some guidance.

What happened after they broke up and she is in jail?

He keep checking facebook, eating home....

rushing in rushing out....

but because the parent he or she is everywhere trying to asking for help. Like I did that...The help comes with very subtle, he would not know someone design it.

Its entire groups will see that case.

This video.

No, you just tell them, you don't want to die on it. Be mature. That's it.





 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...