2021年8月29日 星期日

What Babaji?


... ... The Earth is not 500 years old? 

You are not unwanted by your mother? 

... ... I am on that roller blades? no. I was not. Definitely not. That's man's team.

... ... I never ask you what you need to deliver?

You mean the external forces of this Earth was own by you? White Clouds and Birds?

no ....then what it is again? You cannot just keep a photo and I heard you were saying? ...nothing you say.

I think it is the roller blade. What about this video? Its moving through a straight line, you can see, they line up. Those cones, when you prepare them on the ground, the way we used to do it, they are bigger than all of these, we are not really doing this they do....we were just doing what I did, the back sliding...... Except the guys from the high school club, they do something else more crazy. On the metal rim. The guys world.

Not us.

We do mirror mirror. 

Are they wildlife what? 野外求生?

Well....now you asking me?

There are so many things you can ask me, you ask me about the shoes I wear to walk upon, road, to travel with the wind?

When I used to go to school, we got lucky, it was near grandmom's houses.

They built a park.

So from that distance to bicycle back from school, that is one routes. Shortcut.

Not many traffic, or human on it.


When I roller blades....It usually weekend, I find trees, forest, or wild nature...this City does not have that much that, except 敦化南路呀 ! and 大安森林公園! 

 I usually stay away from the traffic main road.

Middle school, roller blade I think. High school I have volleyball. 

But this Park they have Street Teacher groups, they show up performing, like you talk to them, a little bit like America if you just go to Meet Up groups. Except Taiwan so small, its just this one Park, everyone be there, if you know that, in the past.

Later that Roller Blader shoes places move away. No more shoes store, you can buy handlers that hold up two shoes to travel. Its a holder. To carry easy the shoes. You need that things to travel with switching shoes and roller blades. People use that often, knows that. That is a very important items. Now, I don't have one? I just forget about it.

The whole things all together.

That thing is what you mean to, that is traveling needs. 


When I was in the elementary school, my physical energy is very low.

That is not even a block walking distance. 

When I get to the middle school, the backpack was so heavy, so heavy, the first day or week, I went with a girl, she takes me shortcut to go to the bus. I will tell you, it was so hard.

You get to a bus station by like 4 block I feel when I was a child, and then, 4 block after the bus, getting it down. It was so hard so hard.... One day I have bicycle. One day, I made it to the Forest Park.

One day, I went to high school, that every day was running, and every Wedn, is physical training, how they run so fast on stairs. I am not like any of them. It was hard.

One day, those territory, I dare to venture to the Taipei Station little by little.

I went to 中正紀年堂 That was roller blade clubs.

But so many places here, I never really been to.

I do not shopping, I will tell you that. 

I got a bag, at one of those bad teenage will show up places, 西門町 its exactly just like Simon Cowell meant it. 

They has AIDs needles in phone jet, they use public phone that time. People play something tolken, or something putting your finger in, for coin change, someone will put needles in.

In one of those bad places with bad teenage,不良少年

What you care so much about Keanu's Matrix Public Phone or Harry Potter Ron's Father....going up? going down....


My name is Yehweh....I forget to stress that, first time we meet.

We are different.... worlds.  

I keep telling you, trying to be in that Police Network Cabin Files area, to open it, and speedy reading through 30 years. 

You might become a more caring responsible person, you ought to be, like God intend you, do not try to do on purpose.

Its every building I don't care there is no human living in it, but no fires goes off...so I train people here, just like John Jacob.

God knows that road ends up what....信義路 their fashion same guy tall looking Asian, only their own worlds, to become that road....Someone lives right there with a very nice entrance service, called doorman. 何家慶大概住不了的地方 ! Looks like Sailor Uranus. 師大附中的對面呀 !後面有停車呀 ! 還有機車呀 !

That guy is a gay, his tie tie tie tie tie Pixie color pants?

Anyone...has a brain? Those time, yeah, I was following everyone behind them. To see where they going.....okay, its me.

社會案件、層出不窮 !!!

Horrifying !!! I will tell you, life so easy to be taken away, just like that.

生命是如何非常恐怖的不見,輕輕的一下就死了 !

人的不小心,你們一定不知道多少人力是用來幹嘛 的 !!!!

你們死了之後就會知道,都是你們自己的無知跟錯 !!!

非常恐怖的態度問題,非常非常非常的恐怖 !!!!!!!!!! 

你們下去地獄就可以了 !

人生一輩子的責任,對人對事對物 ! 你們因為很希望別人受傷,你們是蝦子,看不到事情的前因後果 ! 我也不會告訴你們,你們到底錯在哪裡?就是你們態度問題,希望所有人受傷受難受苦受辛酸!你們很痛快知道這每一天只要奧在哪裡,世界是為你而活的!

下地獄就是了 !

我現在告訴你們了~你們只想要真愛 ,好好跟 SMCH 越南小尼姑說你是誰? 






我什麼都給,是你們連開口都懶得受傷傷心難過 !!!!!!!


找 Eben Pagan

我根本就不在意!你們要得是你們的真愛呀 !!!!!





 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...