2021年8月10日 星期二

Tina, Tamang, 他很喜歡看房子!但是這是在中國的房子!!!他們很多場景其實做的很好!


其實我覺得家這種簡單的大小,其實就好很多~我其實很忙! 提娜!你可能沒有看過 ....

大概身高高的男孩子,他們需要大房子,地都是你媽在擦!這外面是大理石! 是要擦的地板! 還有樓梯,她其實很多東西都是她在擦的! 

我的房間她會來擦! 但是我覺得我很忙~提娜


如果以後可以出去,其實台北比較好玩吧 ?在美國太大了! 

台北有捷運呀 ! 我去的地方都是我知道怎麼去的簡單地方


或是 711 

現在有多家便利商店! 都有牛奶,你媽有一天死了,就吃 711 或是全家呀 !這種房子其實沒有那麼忌妒吧 ?







喔! 她是 Zawanna and her is Dark Wizard has no face, cloth at.


They are instant noodles? 

I am not his cousin. Zawanna? To be honest, my world is the whole roof or ceiling might falling off to me, that is a real body. The rest of things are not so real. The Birds are every single day, from morning to afternoon, outside on that antenna, or they really come so close, next to the bathroom here, there is a water contain, Rockfeller said the bird hides right there, height place.

Ask her!!!!!!!!

Right there, they can see the bathroom light, correct.

You know what they do, every single day!!!!

okay....I see, she says, I thought of that? They all together tricks me?


She plays game on the TV?

You don't actually believe that book, that is Zawanna stuffs, you all fall in love with the book, and W worlds? If he did all that, he plays fool on the TV???

That is....not him.  

Wait.... where are the military? (Looking around)

I think you should not watch this.... at this moment!!! 

 Where are your boss at?? oh no~~~ what did I say before??? Zawanna and them are bounding very well. 6 eyes look like that, but 1 eyes can also just so united, you don't know hell.

Where are the people ? I cannot ring the bell.

oh no~ 1 eye is strong on their own, or whatever it is contained in that universe or worlds, are very strong. There is no way, to break them, don't even attempt to try, not in thinking, not in words, not in trying romance.....

Where are your commander as a boss?

Can you get this right in order, I am leaking water from my roof, or the bathroom, my roof outside has predator, every single day watching me. And there is Typhoon, where is the Weather channel, next round, they coming in again? From Pacific Ocean somewhere???

This is....unbelivable, I am so busy, in a way, that you all fall in love with Kail or Zawanna?


okay...Kail I don't really know much about him.

I know him somewhat. But you all got this mix up, we will have problems!!!! 




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...