2021年8月11日 星期三

Tina, Symposium

 In case, Tina, if you don't just stay in one room, of your home.

Its a grand hotel meeting room. If its too hury, like Sunday, you do it on Monday.

First Anniversary and Second Anniversary Video of 閃耀暖暖




說年分 !就是一個簡單的介紹! 他們是手機遊玩! 你的小孩看過! 


有第一年 anniversary

現在是第二年 anniversary

I really think New York Grand Hotel, they stay on the Top news for this.

You need to air it at Hotel, broadcasting out as a symposium. Its to public announce! Remember what Tesla used to do?

Public announce with Journalist all the time. 

提那你的影片上面不是有個,你站在前面! 有學生?你在幹嘛 ?教音樂課嗎 ?

我沒有聽你說過呀 ! 很多人在場的什麼 演講台! 你站在前面

你 YouTube 上面你再幹嘛 ???

Tina, do you walk to Office Depot? 你順便就買一些 Invitation Cards

自己寫給 Wendy

反正只有她一天到晚沒有事情做的人! 收信函呀 !

Tina, they Grand Hotel, New York City, might cancel other events, to irritate those people....coming there this weekend, for....whatever, on their mind, Trump's head mind space that big.

So...you figure it out what or why they do that for....

No, they do things without telling you, or telling them. 

That is New York City, Tina !!!

NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!  Manhattan 曼哈頓! 

Tina, do you know my job description?

They on the boat, might annoucing tonight! Here, on the boat, or in the Grand Hotel here in Taipei, wherever they are.

We are 6:10 pm Wednesday, Taipei, Taiwan ROC Time. Asia Pacific Time Zone, August 11, 2021




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...