2021年8月9日 星期一

Stephen Tamang, MD, will not do that, for Tina? Yeah, this is what it means.


 They continue from Flower Thousand Bones (2015)

That is Tamang

That is Tina Looking

But I don't think...these TV, is from whom says that? ET or human?

People all, at my age, Tamang is my age. He has a position too.

If anyone wants to hold Tina hands walk from now, to whenever she found her Master, or Chinese buddhist monk says nun temple, I Anna clean up, I will let them.

Who wants to take that Tamang position and try?

败家千金第一天上班,语不惊人死不休,直接批评领导的审美,领导被气到破口大骂! 😋 chinese drama


There is not much to comment anyway. Performance in works, is at job sites.

TV characters are only I, Anna defined. These are in Chinese.

Wait til that one day, its from Hindi, or India whichever language.

Do they return to their country yet? Their parents can afford to move back? Really?

I thought they are all stay in America to look for a better future. 

If my mother left here, when we were at School UB, we will never buy it back. Here are ways too expensive, I told you, food are so so so so costly. When I was in 2020...its after 2 years works, I did calculate my future saving. We have an option here in Taiwan. 

With coins or paper bills I have, I still have to go on the street to buy food sometimes, to eat eggs or chicken drums. So stay in meat.

Now I am not ...and the period is really going away, by heaven's plan like my oven plan?

I am vegetarian few months now. They close gate, I won't go on purpose eating meat, or drinking what....but what if my period gone, and I eat meat, they coming back?

I can stay on the milk. I like milk. I am looking forward to that. Drinking my days the way I want it. Period can come back, that is all I meant. I have to be watched all my life!!!!!!




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...