2021年8月30日 星期一


 都一直以身殉職的一生問題吧 ?

沒有人知道你,現在什麼事情都不用做了 !!!!!! 只是用筆寫寫東西 !!!

我根本就不知道你們現在每一個人是死了,活著、等死呢~還是下一生準備了 ~~~

那 那片田的問題,是我丟給我的妄想症的意思!!!!!


Many people I think they are in the jail .... so the four wheels are for them, those whom occupied there people to survey the land. 

What a design I am so proud of myself,....

okay, in case I cannot get anyone out of anywhere...

Some of you just start writing your mood, law paper, trying to make use of your almost no Master life, I can careless what happened. I have no ideas, what exactly had happened.

People dead I know...i have a crisis I need the other family, Tina or Pang knows, to get on their own company or else, one of us still gonna say....Time to say Goodbye?

Pang and Tina, what you think? 你們覺得是怎麼樣了?


不能把他丟在路上呀 !

If they are being put there, Lakewood, start party like you are design one day, you might be useful with one of those old image on the Newspaper for others.

That is as much as I can design. Just hope they really let you all doing that. Friendship that last til the day you can open your mouth and continue talking.....Its to faciliate your expression.

Hank cannot really talk right.

Dr. Steven supposes to be the one, that like his jobs, its to talk.

How many people left for that News Paper, called Clip Paper Newspapers? The Terms for Tesla.

Now, where are these AMerican military?

Hi ~~~ does Tesla have cousin, those things, may be, in between this Dr. Steven's age, to Hank / John Jacob, I seen him, age bracket that they are, they were, they will be? On your papers?






 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...