2021年8月11日 星期三


 Stanza 是講詩, 詞, 語,類似孔孟子那類,就叫做 stanza 就可以了

Stigma, 像說,the body of that force within, in that to which limits the physic …stigma.

Stagnant, water 講水的,水不會動長菌

Stag 是哈利波特誰的哪種 transformation symbol, 好像是 Snap 的什麼魔法那類 deer. A Male deer.

Static 是物理部門, 靜電,北京天津很冷的那類緯度東西的冬天,你們小手亂摸,自己被電到

Nystagmus 是講 eye shaking. 其實是 eye strain 的一種,很多白子, 聽說車禍也有,跟脊椎的類似相關 they say what, to blindness, oscular …


There was nystagmus but 'not really wandering vision of the blind'.


  • congenital abnormalities before birth !!
  • Okay, I see.. 

Nostradamus prophecy from French, France is the 地名,在滿慈子的雜誌裡面的炫耀她自己是什麼東西的紅色鳥

No, eye strain is a training of the eyes ….in which limited, but there is eye muscle exercises. They teach you in health class. 他們在健康課教,所謂眼睛肌肉的保養

The eyes…I have eye strains …meaning easy to get tired. Very easy to get tired. 很容易累的意思
I can feel it, 我可以感覺到

Meditation don’t really need eye glasses, looking, but the monitor is very exhausted. Eye glasses will help the eye strain, not that tired.

打坐其實不需要眼鏡、還是看東西,看螢幕很累,眼鏡可以幫一點所謂 eye strains, 不會那麼累

In fact 其實






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