2021年8月11日 星期三

輕功是講綁沙袋在腳上 (jump, flip, Bounce Bible stanza title 2021 )

 但是你們根本不可能跳到樹上 yet. 或是山脈延綿不斷


My eyes to be expose to very blazing sun 非常刺眼的太陽 (眼睛

My eyes in the extreme winter cold brick bone condition Buffalo 5 Lake wing in walking 4 blocks 五大湖非常大的風寒刺骨的情況走四個 blocks …(眼睛

To tell foreigners I don’t really know how to tell them 輕功,你們也沒有沙袋裝在腳裸過

How can I actually explain to you 我要怎麼跟你們說?

UB I walk down stairs, then it’s parking lot, then, it’s traffic light crossing, then it’s crossing plaza edge to a restaurant corner, then one straight road to James house, then hill, then stair. My mother bought me very warm coat, that’s sufficient …but to you?? I don’t think so, I keep hearing people can stand doing nothing and fall on the ground…..

To be honest, it’s per second open close eyes per rate, you don’t really know what it means against all wind and tide or period ….blood dirt. If you add you have no friends no family background parents have friends so now you retain them to make it for their parents …with what you got talents not jealousy …it’s to assist. 

你們好像在幻想每天瞬間的張開眼睛, 有人就算活了一輩子也不知道那是什麼意義!

講 per rate, not parade 


You think dying after you gonna get your eye sight back 你們以為你們死後就可以拿回你們的眼睛, 視力

You imagine a lot of wrong things not to make it better your current condition, MD I will tell you that.



I am MD Black Jack will tell you, your hair color, height, metabolism body chemistry, vision will become stagnant at certain stage of your life 

所以你們 Wing + Ola is nearly 40


I train people when I was middle school. I never stop training people in the university sophomore years up. Do you know how many huge amounts of people I train on Earth alone ? You are nearly 40 I can just train 15 years old before permit DMV

我開始訓練人是我中學的時候,我從來沒有停止過訓練人大二開始(美國大學),你知道有多少人在地球上是被我訓練的?你們快要 40 了 (他們 Wing Ola) 我可以直接訓練十五歲,他們美國開車之前的前一年 DMV !

Traditional Buddhism of many cleaning floor, moping, physical works, ascetic, money skill making, —  cloth types people, chop woods those image, travel, jumping stairs one stair up to another stair ….很多傳統之下的佛教、擦地板、物質身體鍛煉、錢、技能布衣那種人,砍材那種型、旅行、跳階梯、一階一階跳上去

What you waste your life for, was 3 meals a day and TV personality ? 笑死人了,實在是太好笑了!

未來在哪個方向, 明天是什麼模樣,答案在未知風向 …. My games, my play, my ways …




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...