2021年8月30日 星期一

Are you Mexican, Eben? Die young, with longevity close to ..... altitude, lattitude....hot weather?

 So using drugs, and getting fat in the eating...

Its a norm?

People's mentality is very very slow.

People with a higher education and faster in action, and willing to do....they are not as dead, and easily they can be motivated.

Some people they never will be motivated. They are so tight up, they have no ways out. 

These birds or something, they have duty in their saying. I will just tell you all leadership that. 

They are not really forgiving, you mess up environment if you are a leader. oh no.....entire world them are the force of being here, you suppose to be doing right. Because we are human throne in all creation. 

Well, telling me that, how many would listen anyway? 

No, they are psycho. 

But you all really not too far from them. They hold it back, and they do they have to do. 

You have a sane, normal mind, you could just "stop falling in love", there is no such things. And just one life, being here, no more attention wondering outside. No more. Never love, never vent, never bad words, never trying to imagine a love hugging nature. But care as if God will see you next hour or so. 

No guys, no girls, not family, but Compassion to all beings on this planet, as if this is the very very last chance, you could ever live in a minute, a second, a hour....

No, they might be all like Bat.

You see Bats in the movies.

I don't know. I don't really know them.  

They have fears in them, they have their preference, like seeing uniforms.

They have their used to be habits. Seeing you long enough, you never change it, the way you are.

That is what I think they are like ....these Ancient Chinese words?

Are they zombies? 

I seen monkies are zombies in the movies.

oh, if they are really that educated....if I become God one day, you all will be dead in pieces I am telling you. What they do in life.

You chatted away your idling time talk ...If not because its millions life on stake with this online things, I will tell you ...you would not hear a laugh that is not suppoed to go there charming, that is precept nature.

You are meeting people are to fallen in love. You have that habits doing that. I didn't know you are all so that sickening.

You see someone you like, in appearance, you just fall in love?

Psycho. Correct. You start to imagine things in your mind, all those? Yes.

You cannot stop giggling if you remember them on your face to smile at the corner, you behavior in your walking postures so vivid, to go somewhere?  sMCH entire nunhood are all like that. 

I might be become a real male God.

I will tell you, its every eye sight, I try to praise a word,


go to hell.

That's the standard.

I will praise the word, you will never everything but me, stands there by your side. You just cannot see it right, how you react, to your pomping heart.

That is a psycho, yes.

Technically, I don't judge. And besides, its one life, you will die without knowing it. Many. Those without here, i don't even need to occur in my thinking, they exist. I don't need to know whom, where, what,....a passing.

Everyone death is about the same.

if you want them hell forever. Do that.

Never occur to you, even they calling you.

Never move your thought to curious where they been, never specular their future, never move a thinking they worth any your attention, 

no one occurs an affection in me.

That will be the greatest dismay, for all of them.

That is the Buddhism methods tell you way.


its all true.

You want to hell all, be Enlighten, and do what they told you to do, middle way.

You stop moving your thoughts, and void.

All of them will be the greatest possible punishment....Forever !

You don't curious, no questions, no trying, no attempting, no doubs, no discussion, no helping, no praying, no revenge, no nothing, no good thoughts, no remembering, you just know who they are, you used to hear their name.

And they die.

So they are in hell.


Do they call me? 

I am not sure if that is calling to be say exact. Sometimes there is an Image, meant, its always been there, but for how long, that is an image like a flag having high tech monitor? 


If I talk to them, like i care for them? oh, you mean last 6 months time?

16 years never exists....we talk on an internet space? like they exist?

You would do the same, if they are in front of you, and asking you what to do, if seeing comics books.

Solving a problem, do not become a problem?


I don't move, they move, a lot a lot a lot inside.

Every word is like a hurt, image is like torturing....so who wrote this books? On this planet? These books are the greatest education materials, someone gives you to improve evolution right in front of me, if you from 1 to 20 years old, you are loving guys in 16, 17, 18, 19?

And after that stablizing time, not sex intent, but solid rock a family? Cooking, and trying to live up right?

 You face these books, like you want to evolve, I will help you, because you are there.

So far.... I think I born in which planet again?

You could look at a guy, and in your eyes, is to like the guy?

Meaning you feel your attention defecit all the time?

So if I was in the hospital....

If you want to talk to one million guys, so you just be friends to all of them, you never lack one second attention, and they promise they never touch you, don't you feel that is Heaven, we ARE JUST FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!

oh no ~~~ I am telling you, you all doing this, right in front of my eyes...SMCH repeating only words in the head, what astral and casual body is.

No one is practicing that in the heart.

This is bad....one life, I have to go to one of those Permanent Records Police.... about this.

Whom is coming to judge on this Throne?

That is....unbelievable, you could just be in love, you don't believe Heaven and Hell, if you move an emotion wrong in one second in life, you do on purpose to love every guy or girls, you jealous degree you might hurt others? That is broken precepts

You do not know that will hell, if you have zero precepts?

That is so so so so so so so so so bad.

身 口 意念

The body, the speech, and the intention with thoughts.

You suppose to have zero of any of that.

You try not to do that on purpose. You found out, you think deeply, why that had happened. 

Some will have IQ to try to go higher. That is a road you partake a human birth.

But for Dean those kinds? 

Its in his eyes.




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...