2021年7月23日 星期五

People learn to go on Camera, might always always got bother. There are few like them exist. Few. Always bothered them. Always. Few only.

 But people like i told you I was always on camera since young, photograph I seen myself on Go Game magazine... I will tell you, when I was small, I care that too. I was like 5 years old or 6 years old.

But those things don't stay deep in.

On camera, means a lot of things, you are in the attention of everyone's gaze, look, and just I walk on the street?

Attention defecits? 

I made a 700 video on my topics, I choosen that.

A lot of you telling me that camera from IPad bothering you. 

No, it does not bother me.

Its really just whom sits in front of that video comes and tell me, what exactly I say in there... at the end of all these.

You are not confident to speak a word,

You are lack of confident to say things if you were imagining telling lies will built up Street Smart Culture, because you out smart people.


I just gonna tell you, I never grown on street, but I will tell the bus here, I went on your bus, screaming, to someone....and one day she was with this Tall build ADD guy showing up on my 711. I know who she is....

If Tina had a past...

I know where to find whomever I wanted how I ever wanted...

If they are told not told, its not business.

Its at 千山萬水

That middle school was my elementary best friend went. 金華國中

Tina used to be...in such world, that sex and boyfriend, and black gangster was a thing of past, to tell Simon.

Well, there are a lot of things happened on the road here, on the bus, around the bus, with people...

but one thing in common was, they never seen me with one single human around, except my mother.

So if I need something on the street 街上的文化叫做我找誰因為提那以前的錯~只不過我自己去問罷了! 

I see things, I go and asking somebody!




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...