2021年7月19日 星期一

Minority Race, that is in Chinese, they called it here. Taiwan, Modern words 少數民族 = its about to extinct! Like Native America, Native American medicine, those Thanksgivng MAsscred from Columnia? Those extinct.

 Taiwan 阿美族   they dance like Moses, Movies. Those are extinct races kinda looking like, primitive. (modern terms, you have scholarship create, or governmental employee position, opening to all of them, they are strong physical muscles? they are ADD)

American Native Color of Wind, that is masscred races. No, Kill all, so America becomes America

Now, China current you read Hollywood, their own ABC sounds modern human whatever race especially North West?

You mean Tibetan down North West, then South? South West? There is a Historical princess went to marry there, outbound race, brings Buddhism there. That I know outbound race.

Apple says they know that province Babaji meant Death Valley? That is just a road, not that modern words? They say road, they say outbound take in Princess, not over there races, like they say on the television actress girl looks like my cousin, Disney?

No, not that.

What if just let me talk to the President China Xi? He understand Chinese words better?


維吾爾語? 新疆的哪裡? 那邊是西域很久的以前的字,我爸爸有照片跑到哪裡了? 他們誰長的像印度五官深一點而已,我告訴你! 所謂 ABC plastic surgeon career its how deep the 5 sense on their eyes, nose high, ear what...to look ABC 五官的深度~你應該知道這種很無意義的事情!你要找現代醫學的所謂 compoetitive rate 用錢去衡量的,對,那一件事情

但是如果講少數民族現代,台灣絕跡版,我聽過很叫做 9 個背東西的民族



我以前聽說過她哪個民族的混到的,所以不就是因為她的長相而已嗎 ? 長相


I just gonna tell you, if me and President Xi sits in a Hotel Conference room

Anna sit

President Xi sit

saw File says 維吾爾族

突厥 and 元朝 叫做什麼變成最後往東邊的匈牙利

is there Hungarian 進行曲? 所謂匈牙利進行曲? (Music Department, America Congress Law!!!)





