2021年7月19日 星期一

Blonde girls, my origin

 Last name (legal) = Jao

Last name (pronunciation in Chinese real) = Rao

Its origin like 突厥

突厥 Its outside, Mongolian. Out North or all around China outside.

China is one territory of central land. They define as Han race 漢族

But among all History of China, what these races offering to the China Kng, are annual comes in Gold, Fine Silky, Handsome Horse, Jewerlry, Jems, Fine Gifts.

These Races are outbound Races. 邊疆塞外民族

Not many people really care about that China History but me.

These Chinese words you should just write it and research at.

One time of this biggest combine race mix into marriage, is from Khan. But he is not Chinese.

He is from Outbound race 邊疆塞外民族

For example he is from North, yeah, south of Russian, this him race went to Hungarian, to establish, may be East Hungarian something like that.

But you know whom he is, his territory was?

唐宋 元 明清

So in that Era, He is the King of that King, I think he has son, successor, but that Era does not last long.

They are known are race horse Races.

Very good at War, that is why they comes in China, maybe even Masscred so many, that they have to input their own races into Chinese blood, they encourage, they say, encourage marriage.

Everyone knows that.


My last name might to do with other outbound races, one of that race is 突厥

Its the most known outbound race in the textbook school book.

School Academia textbook, kids them. Everyone will all hear that words, they know they have heard that race, that's about it.

These outbound race people are on horse type. Its nomatic ....kinds of, most them known, or heard, outbound races.

Currently, that Apple suppose to find out Death Valley, right? Silky Road? 絲路跟電影所謂波斯王子的時之刃, well...Apple, that girl in the White Robe, not Wallace, my cousin that girl knows so many language that actress were the Mix kid from that Province 新疆 that outbound race say what she said she was mix from?

Just to hear the name I would know.


not compare to that 突厥

But I was just asking my high school teacher one time so known as 100 biggest last name in China.

I study history book, there are description of few outbound races how they coming into 中原

like the Middle or Center ground of China.

Not many care about these stuffs. My family will say they don't know a thing.

Its a migrant race coming down.


If we all going back in time? saying Khan that? whatever you all compare Time

I would just tell Wallce, shut up.

Dont't ever mention 突厥


We only pass by, shut up.

