2021年7月18日 星期日

Life is life, you built life to be right ...not anythiing else.

 Babaji: What did you say?

Eben dead? Why is this my Organic Students are hologram in front of my monitors like faces of guys type? They are where?

Babaji: No I don't know about them.

I just think immigration statues are meant, everyone my students grow up says, that is a dead means, if you do things behind trying to win whatever Anna didn't say Competition in the Flower Thousand Bones to the legal system. They can just think people do stupid things and now the police say the time is up. Anna don't think like that, because she never seen police?

Babaji: Yeah, one of those, groups of them will work better to read faster?

... what were you doing on a Saturday night, in the police station to be ready to be shipped?

Babaji: you are hostile.

I run on so many of these groups...if we don't do that, the eternity life don't have paper writing, to say celestial, here they come.

Babaji: That's stupid, you know.

They say people dead, or swap, or they are police, Anna tries to say, to meet and say it.

Babaji: Right, about right. I have a reason saying that, you know.

There is a lot of things i don't care about it, when it comes to what you say, or you intend to say, and later become I better say?

Babaji: no, its not like that.

I want to go to sleep. This immigration stuffs....you know real living human has a life. Its on TV for a reason, to do better. English in America is challenge to a lot of people, and language to make friends, to get to Apple, to get through Tim Cook, to get there Silicon Valley. To America new land, a lot of people don't adapt well there. Not this competition meant things now. I try to think if I thought of too much...the movies turn reals, so the character are witness stands...

Babaji: You know, Anna, you should just relax every once a while, its Saturday night...

Its 11:05 ...

Babaji: A lot of people have to work on this with a group of surveillance people they cannot get away with the law reinforcement this time. Its like running away from jails, for the cruelty they might harm others.

But why, I have to get invovled?

Babaji: No one says you will get involved. 

Today we work on these statement, tomorrow I think about it. Too fast. I didn't expect anything we are doing this have to do with the immigration. Not at all.

Babaji: Why not?

... ...that is not a joke.

Babaji: I never say a joke.

America becomes America because...


If I don't want to talk about it

Babaji: I let you know first.

Sometimes, I am not that all against others to try to be small minded in their own worlds to say insanity one day comes.

Babaji: right.

You show up, you will need to see a court, you know that, on Wiki?

Babaji: No, I don't know that.

Immigration, my mother gives up her green card. Her life is here.

Babaji: Right. Do you talk to Eben first?

They the Organic Students meant which Eben.

Babaji: You don't believe that stuffs?

I don't even have time to think of any of that stuffs.

Babaji: You don't think Eben is attractive?

We are not having this kind of conversation to sound like, you were not the One.

Babaji: right. Kail is the one, Zawanna is the one.

That day... in celestial, you know the gigantic New Age, or positive speakers, or inspirational groups, or 2012 those book writers types...that is a lot of people, you try to say they fit all in where?

Babaji: No, its not like that. They have to work together.

Their mind are somewhere else, imagining things I see that. In the biggest crowd of all of them, they will talk to each other like they are fake?

Babaji: No they know its a competition in the end for the one seat in the Flower Thousand Bone


Babaji: You didn't read that story?

Of course I know the story.

Babaji: So, then?

.... ...

Babaji: You don't believe the story to be exact? They think might be exact !!! In a different way.

They in the big groups of people might lost each other sight, if they don't have a phone to keep contacts.....this is imagination to be real, how to keep friends hold dear near by without a phone? by Telephathy?

Babaji: you are right, they don't have a phone on the TV, its an ancient drama.

What you want to say?

Babaji: I think you should scare them. What is that to live primitive without friends, in life going celestial to see that humugus people in the crowd, they called themselves they used to be friends, and now participate elimination games process.

... I don't have time to think of that, right now. If you are dead, you are not going anywhere.

Babaji: they think it might be more real than you think.

If you are not magical? My head is not dizzy as it should so I can go to sleep now?

Babaji: No, let me finish it.


Babaji: If they join the 長留初考 they will have a lot of chance to become the White Esteem the only disciple. They don't care about the cold bed.

Who? who like Eben they are?

Babaji: I mean everybody.

What do you mean everybody, dead now to join the competition?

Babaji: No, they are all talk about behind. The Pixies know all of them. You see, people get incentive motivation high about this Flower Thousand Bone. This is judgement day like you told them. They have practiced by years to get ready for all of this.

... ...

Babaji: They can do a lot of things by design.

... ..

Babaji: I meant exactly what I said.

... ...

Babaji: It is always like that.

They design their draft, they meant they give up by just hearing about it, they always think negatively, so no one can breath, but me?

Babaji: right.

I go to bed.  Something possible is only when you are making it. If Kail and Zawanna is all I talk about like an air, they are not going to show up, so we can be groups together. To pass living veil....I actually have a future generation I need to write for, all these damn movies, TV characters twist turns story, how I just don't bother watching them anymore, romance or else boys tear apart girls? Those analogy. Disney have to design, I have to sit down read notes, that day comes. Science groups needs to read the scientific paper in the grand hotel in the air-con ball room carpet floor, so I bring my collection of sneaks to show them power of purchasing degree, by trying it more salt in the mouth to chew it. I have this where Prince William or his brother wants to die on Sitesell if the econimic experts says they don't dare to spend the money to go on books? What was that?

Babaji: You should wait for me.

I should just tie you up and tell you to shut up.




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