2021年7月16日 星期五

Its a Cambridge Tutoring Services? ?

  Do I really need to know any of this to be a doctor? What does learning about SN1 reactions, molecular orbitals, and Fischer projections have to do with me saving someone’s life!?


SN = Substitution reaction

Its with Elimination 

Substitution and Elimination reaction, so known as SN2, SN1, E2, E1.

Meaning replace or eliminate something, to guess? 

Organic Chemistry Reaction always being replace or eliminate something? This is not really proton, electron meant, but it is an entire atom, you are plugging off of your diagram, by drawing the electrons to fit the correct Lewis Structure, if not a theory to say why or how to draw Organic Chemistry mechanism? I didn't take Organic Chemistry Normal Class 201, 202, I take Honor Class 251, 252, to get through my Organic Chemistry Tutoring Miserable life without Lee Solomon.

Can you all just go ask Lee? He is an Organic Chemistry Tutor, and now biochemistry territory, I have forget all, except ATP. meaning breath, you require ATP to....exhale out.

MO theory is Molecular Orbital theory. I draw that in my dark video lighting room.

First video I ever made for Organic Chemistry

    Its electrons putting into the orbits, you suppose to know your chemistry General Chemistry about electrons being pair up?

What is P?

On your right hand side Periodic Table, they all have P orbital? 


Not left hand side? That is S, but...you got rows.

Fischer Projection

Like you know Newman Projection, you have to show me a diagram, I kinda lose my sense on memorizing what you mean, you see 2D drawing to stick right like a Face in front of you.

I got confused. I seen it I know what to tell you.

These projection really just how you stare it, if you level it to your eyes from the carbon side.

As near?

As near as a kiss!


Horizontal to your eyes.

What is that to do with Saving someone's life? I am trying to search why USMLE to do with 123 that got me thinking all I used to be UB honor class 105 Chemistry, were reading my Organic Chemistry YouTube Channels?

They graduate

They could just ask me in person or call me on the phone from the school.

That is why I am trying to google it.

I have no idea

Babaji: right, she has no ideas.




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...