2021年7月15日 星期四

Indian 500 years old 印度舞百歲 Ever ever After ...


Indian 500 years old= Ji


Ji: oh


Ji: What's your date?

He is on the other side of the Email? (Beat)

I don't know.

Ji: What time it is now?


Ji: Do you see me at 5 Lord Reviews?

I don't remember, I remember, she was not enough, when I open them up the video and contents. In Canada I don't remember. Now I remember, no. Here...a lot of things are not as clear. I watching my own video.

Ji: yeah~ what did you say about me last time?

You don't EVER ... (beat) trying to let the union take your merits away. They are hurting each other.

Ji: yeah?

... ...

Ji: You like singing?

... No.

Ji: They are singing !

... ... you mean here?

Ji: (smoke)

You mean your SMTV stuffs?

Ji: exactly

Indian kids?

Ji: no.

I don't really know, or seen them that much. I plan the Swami Order to be dead, if you didn't see them on photo on the Internet. Its American wear Swami Order cloth? I seen that.

Ji: What does that mean?

I don't want to talk about it.

Ji: Yeah?

Your SMTV have no talents.

Ji: Yeah?

You mean that.

Ji: I did?

They have no sense of style or fashion at this time of All Age, meaning you feel ashame having them around.

Ji: Yep


Ji: Yeah?

They are too weak, too thin faces...

Ji: (Drift away)

You want them to volunteers, everything they got?

Ji: ... ...

They just saying it, they don't want it really.

Ji:... ...

Its not negotiable. I didn't go to command them, once we done this 5 Lords Review, I am still calibrating the situation, she is getting really old one day die.

Ji:... yeah?

She ...


Putting them on the spot...the legal system would not allow that, Ji. 

Ji: Then, make the law disappear, forever!

Even I think in most part of the world, they are using less Laws actually, if they settle outside the court, but your disciples are not going to brag to the Whole universe whom they have become, because of you. 

Ji: Yeah

We might lost all the lineages very soon. Data recording is not going last their whole life not to write 24 hours a day.

Ji: Why did you say that?

I decide it that, the Y2K, I take it as they will be the three Laws, after all these Sangha thing I keep seeing from the Silicon Valley. Known here in Asia. I callibrate the situation since 2014. I seen a lot of TV and movies to get to the 5 Lords Reviews. That is not what I expect, but that is exactly people like you would do to become the New World in the future, started, writing right, talk right, manner right. Politeness right. Something in that nature to test withstand a proper human standard to then progress in the spirituality, what exactly you are define in the brain, Body, Words, Intention.

Ji: You think they are going to regress like he says?

Everyone always say a lot of things. If you disppear, someone still be the the One.

Ji: Yeah?

I am not trying to leave, that is what you mean.


I was thinking to get my age, I used to know SMTV? I seen Texas University Korean Girl, some close to that group, in 2014, but that is 8 years ago, and 2 years of that ago 2012 SMTV.

Ji: I don't like any of them.

... ... that is all you got best out there to be seen. Skin.

Ji: Not really.




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...