2021年9月7日 星期二

🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤧 You went to ask high monks, priest what’s all this at the end, Indian 500 years old? 🤧🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨📱

 你們跑去問誰高僧這最後的俠咪是什麼意思? 印度五百歲?

Answer : he is an Indian, that kinda of high priest or monk or even hear me saying his 國師 or …Chinese that …robes practices + all I say …it’s actually what Buddhism, teaching related 


Oh, no, I would not do what he does, Indian 500 years old. 


Of course not. 


❄️ ⚡️ You don’t like others to feel good, get better, become better than you are 


❄️ ⚡️ You do on purpose to lose your memory, and you will lose it in the end.


❄️ ⚡️Modern time already much better physical material world, not to die on water drinking, to think God begin with, ( thank Tesla )


❄️ ⚡️ You really care about face


❄️ ⚡️ You don’t really want to wait him in the time of eternity


❄️ ⚡️ You are so 花痴 looking to licking blonde hair race.


❄️ ⚡️ They are better looking, but you don’t like they become better than you are in every aspects of any Zen practices public speaking, technology, to get more girls, more guys, because you are hurt. You say that’s Indian 500 years order not to teach them.


❄️ ⚡️Many things maybe not what he did, it’s what I did do!


❄️ ⚡️ Do you want to go to hell, get him up, first?



❄️ ⚡️  I am actually thinking simple-minded, he destroyed the whole world outside, so he is the only Master left here


❄️ ⚡️ It means that, if he does not go and combine with other Master, upper land, like Mahavatar Babaji, that is not...Earthly stuffs, or some kinds of this Quan Yin Methods, upper upper upper lines...might be blonde hair race exists too.



❄️ ⚡️  You don't really want to use any opportunity in life, to evolve with a Master. He knows if you don't do it this life, you gonna fall so badly. He has to force you, he is not like that.

你們其實不想運用任何機會在人生裡面,跟一個名師演化,他知道你們不利用這一生,你們會下落到不知道什麼樣的境界,他如果不強迫你們,他必須強迫你們,但是他不是那個樣子 !


❄️ ⚡️ He should be a monk that renounce the world for real. Not this ... SMCH does.

他應該是一個和尚放棄了整個世界,真誠的,不是這種 ...越南小尼姑幹出來的好事


❄️ ⚡️But its really just one life


❄️ ⚡️ He knows I cannot just forsake some of the little monks or they themselves higher monk.



❄️ ⚡️ But I don't think, he meant, I one person, become 尊上



❄️ ⚡️  If He has to hear any of this stuffs....are you sure, he meant, we have to force you to become a monk? 


❄️ ⚡️ Indoor disciple, Anna says, exoteric, or esoteric disciples? She is 5 years old?

入室弟子 ...安那說內門、外門弟子? 她才五歲 ?

鳥找我 !!! 很煩~你們!!!!

❄️ ⚡️ The real lineage door of many kinds, only have very few disciples, the most you heard, are Bubdha. Shakymuni Buddha.

很多所謂密門只收一些學生,就一些,最多你聽到其實是釋迦摩尼佛 !!!

❄️ ⚡️ You only want to use for your own advantage to the maxmium, you are about the same zero like the Westerners, so I explain to everyone, its America. You fall out of their standard and your own Pixie world standard, to make fire, car accident, no looking walking, to hurt all business because you are imapired...you will see.

你們只會用你們自私的那種特權到最大,你們跟外國人是一樣的零,所以我解釋給所有人聽,就美國,你掉出他們的期許,跟你們自己國家的 Pixie 標準,造成火災,車禍,沒有看路走路,受傷的所有事業因為你本身是 impaired.... 你會知道的 !




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...