2021年9月8日 星期三

Who is Jesus? Do I know who is Jesus? 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅📞

 耶穌撒冷的王 (who is Jesus? ?)

Return of the King

Fellowship has to be form

There is a setting in throne display in the room, 2 lamps, or 24 what


Throne, Lamb, Lamb wife

Old Testament.            Jesus             New Testament 

Close books like ( I am ) 

A voice ?

He stands in the middle

Binder is cataloging ruler that day I didn’t bring.

I thought he is King? Jesus

Christmas song

“Walking down a ….”

“Mary has a …

Shepard is a groups of ship, there is a Shepard with a crane

Lamb blood, is offering to God old time, food offering ?

Ramses first son

Jesus is holding the lamb

Even Yeth has lambs….4?

Me? Me blood?

Zawanna thrown me in the dark room

總司令 throw me at 萬丈深淵

由基 push me

Lamb blood?

I thought it’s Jesus die on the cross = his blood 

(In the middle of the book bind)

Robes, strings …

His father + Mary in where, craddle

Craddle 0f civilization ..rivers.

New Heaven New Earth descend….but that’s the stages after happening , Jesus back.

Vampire fighting over anyway …that’s empty seats…

Guards, or lamps?

Close book is…blood seal, I seal or I sacrifice, human sacrifice?


Vampire satanic …it is a word in the Bible

Jesus is supposes to be God?

No, God’s son …..

Gospel …

God made man in his image.

越南小尼姑 says she is Jesus.

Her master is white hair not a number in 13?

President snow = 12th 

From zero….outside the map.

New Earth?

Why don’t I become a new, twin images mirror?

Lamb’s wedding 

Keanu is the One

Abraham is the …

David is King too

Solomon is the King too

Jesus is a throne possible to beg or pray or plead?

Right judgement day.

Ancient Chasez, Siddarthra (guard) ….me

Isn’t church Christmas was the act…Shepard man lead the way, 

They say everyone else does the teaching education 

I am the way, teaching the way….so quit? Right. Sariputra.

Or entire Pixies being mirrored ?

Mirror mirror ….

Jesus is not fairy tooth, parenting ? Nikolideon …Babyloon, not Babylon.


A wall

Berlin has a wall.


Baby dipper

Babylon, another real history Zawanna age, that’s 盛世 Babylon bloodlines

Rivers near by all civilization, even Egypt is also. 


Zawanna doesn’t have …that setting 

500,000 years old

In the Bible close to the 20th century, they are closer to 20th century, 16..18th

A voice, that’s AI 聲控

由基 is a shadow…Ghosty, hell. Current statues(?)

They are all in hell loooooong time ago.

It’s only a pseudo presentation, it’s not real. Causes all that heart aches, that’s whom they are, all the time.

The hell never ceases fire, never ended.

The deceases ones will never find out each day, they hell more. They have no ideas.

They have no ideas why they hell more.

It’s …hologram.

Crystal skull close by nature.

It’s probably she guarantee not s real hell. It’s softwares IT on Earth, upon entering the matrix. 

It’s …them.

Crystal skull can gives promises …the civilization of the Past Earth.

Right ….this is…just a book. No one delivers anyway…

First Age

Second Age

Third Age

Fourth Age

But we are ….

Flood…I Ching 

We exist, that’s all they were saying.

No one cares about this stuffs anyway, not birds not crystal skulls…never, they vow, never ….

So just, toss away the book ( Ella Enchanted )

(Toss away the ipad, heavy ) it’s in Silicon Valley, to trash can SMCH ipad I buy. 800 dollars so expensive 

It’s 8th years…telepathy, everyone is telepathy, Earth, clouds, birds….

They never gonna made it

Food    first     offering 

It’s everyone telepathy.

身口意,”No one believes that stuffs anymore” (which movies )

Voices, whose voices?

It’s everyone telepathy, everyone ….

They wish to die, to go outside matrix. Poking matrix rules attitude…

Keanu Reeves permanent records.

Someone coming in ?

列陣 are crystal skull. (2015)

They are funny…

Head skulls to war muds, stuck in 泥地 (你的= yours)


They head skulls are the weapons. Stroke




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...