2021年9月5日 星期日

Lawsuit case 50 Simon Cowell Drugs a girl to feel equal 虐心 games 🧊🧊🧊 They already savatage us once, we do not wish to represent to the court, for the entire groups of UB, them be the 2nd Generaiton immigration, you are the programs, to get in MD 🧊🧊🧊

 State it that Anna told my mother, Rockfeller suspected, the day before yesterday.

Correct, I told her, is that even possible people in the middle school decide to go to the MD programs for money, you mean they study all the way in the University, for every day, that textbook?

They would never come and save me, No. I been to US, I know how to flight. They cannot. They are small tiny, petty minds, all the time, always, no way, they don't know they have no personality in the interview, they hire tutor? They must did something right to get in, and that I think its the 2nd generation immigration to Buffalo.

We will declare some methods to use actors, like SMTV used for breatharian, to describe about those, whom learn chi studies to become, one of few. Not to be on the television.

You can get on your case now ....


完了 !

 浴血奮戰? 我說退戰呀 !

 They kill all the EF, every year.

We will not have a future.

Have whatever that is 1000x Bible saying.

No, they use lion. ( Script here)


No, Tiger! They use tiger to me.

Zawanna just like Annca. 

No, they might be all dead, and I become the ruler of this new Era, called 白子畫尊上!!

I have a reputation, creditability, and no, I work alone best. I do not care about this military to hire more nanny. Not really. 

No, I didn't do this for education.

Not really. 

Lawsuit case 50

Date: Sep, 5, 2021

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Accordance to Fate law 1, Fate Law 2, 48, Fate Law 3 , 49.

Title: But, I give a well reason, why you would say your statement clear as if making it alive, not to die.

You have every reason to tell court, or tell me, or tell someone in front of you, in any chance, you will live, even Eon, to proven, that is not you in the movie script.

In any cause, in any guilt, in any ways, you will prove to God, you want to go to Heaven, in any sinful manner, the TV makes you or implied you with the face, you let down all your can, even with your life to secure others on the same line with you, no matter if you are clear or not innocent, you do that for God, not your face ever to say MD, professional, its to President to face card, queer mind, like Simon Cowell, later in life to drug a unknown girl, just like his father, gratitude, his life, to know one day, when I sit in the judging seat, why we didn't stop that case, because Simon can, and I cannot?

I will do it, Simon.

In all the power, you decide you live or I will live and rythm forever and ever !!!


 I do not care about a lot of karma or sins. I do not care if someone tell you if I tell you you are all sinner. You want to live, and you want to be clear, you want to mature, you answer exactly like you try to live up a standard, in no matter what causes, not to lie to me, explain to me clearly every statement in that collection of scripts, why you are air like that on the TV, is there writer meant it you say, or you don't say, you  question me if I have ability to know whether you pretend to say, or to question you. 

I am not ruling in the present Supreme Court, right now in the Washington D.C

But if they make one more mistake not to process anything they suppose to process. I am very young....I know how to define, your living and death day, what not to be responsiblity, for one girl case, because Simon just too rich to can, and I say comet money, its entire One Direction and Simon property to be confasicate !!

I know America process one girl case like that without drug. So do it!

Don't make me live up 1000 girls, so you will say you do it, for that one day, you found out what? Too rich for aliance with England? Really?

oh !

I live in Aisa! Tesla is my father.

One day, I might not even need him, I will just tell you that much!!

 How about this?

Tell me this, let it go?

 Simon, Ola is not a thing you need, Lauren will not be a thing you need, Alyssa for sure never is a thing you need....

Tell me, why you needed anything, if I know exactly what you don't really need?



Get Lauren a blood test.

Every year Simon pays.


Ola is near by closest reasoning doctor, MD associate with Lee Solomon, Mason College. To Mat, Animal special Visa Surgeon, to that Doctor Do-little movies. Someone is looking for a doctor, but not a drug dealer, in any of these movies.

Bloods tests and these statement, movies are not looking for a drug deals, in these MD cases to become the future.

Drugged America by England CEO Beef Cow, for excuation Loving the Silent Impersonal, personality, impressionalist The You Generation, he implied exactly like his IQ showing to you. Highen! 

Do you need to drug him?

My diper is in the cloud, like my head was cut away from my face, a chicken is coming to me, my mother?

What is my diper and my head means in the sky?

Diper is like uterus in the sky, the white cloud.

Yeah, you have a period pain. Nick, and I met when I was 23 years old. He was 60 or 61.

A lot of people are 61 this time right now. This time right now. But nick started to run in 41, and he went to meditation at 1998. 

You should ask the court to testify, if he meant he wants to live, with the positive spirits, why I don't want to explain this anymore, we used to be together, it was NEVER EVER to sabotage our life, in any chance to go lower than the evolution, that human dignity trying to do?

You go with the guy, your brother might find a girl? He always like the girl.

 Your father, Wendy, cannot take your brother is a Spider 蜘蛛精 and you are with old guys.

No, he cannot. That is the fact.

Simon is telling everyone he tries to kill himself its for girls like make-up artists to show up, and trying to comfer him every step the way, and one day, sleep in height spirit, not he wants to live, he wants game.

A 虐心 game.

Ola wants to comfer patients, but she has no experience dealing psychology, and so neither Mat or Lee, or Mason.

Psychology are Eben Pagan Area, but I highly doubt, he meant Simon or he meant me, he wants to hold together and die together with India?

Any lawsuit case can be open its statement to the further discussion.  Hank might sue your Father, if he needs money, or he just thought he should, Loving the Silent Tear, 2010! One Time public air on stage.

One time, 16 countries.

Any further discussion of a responsible lawsuit case, can be re-open to discuss, by "the terms" of different "degree of gradients", for every words explanation.

Such as the future terms 

"Hank with Tina in Lawsuit case battle to do with Ancient Chinese, Anna, Tina's sister entails significant reasons, the white clouds and sky are in relation to others camera, if on film."

"Once the prove are establish, those camera are target at the sky, the white cloud formation to the scene, which I Anna stated so often to try to comfer my father's eyes issues, that do you believe what you see?  This phrases too many time, Anna stated over and over and over, the investigation was on the way, to every thing she took the photo, or just outside to the white clouds sky, she states if just like you can see on the camera, that is exactly you see with your eyes?"

"Anna says, she sees Tina, Pang and herself on the Loving the Silent Tear, that is Korean Swallow and Sky issues, on the page 2, they took away the publication, therefore, unless you decide to open case, I have a degree to say, don't bother with it. Simon has a money statue to say, no he deny his crime. Same will be SMCH from India, all they care about its to 斂財 !  She and Simon in the degree of digust, its so true and felt by others, therefore, although I cannot really open the case, right now, today. I can stress the fact, She is being draw as a comcubine, so that Simon and her are side by side, to the money degree, how power and fame, to each other entwine England, both one is refugee, one is executive, to work on the red carpet, how to Kill in order, that their throne issues are none stop ceasing problems on the newpaper. One of our eyes are seeing something wrongs.

Its on their own family court yard, and they can just keep doing it. Meaning, its not the money, its not the power like Royal Family.

Its conspiracy causes. Someone is doing something, I cannot open that case. You can investigate behind, if you all meant, money is not to be taken. Then don't charge me the court fee. I only file online in public space." 




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