2021年9月19日 星期日

PCAT, UB they don't finish this thing, to ask Hailey's father, he took MCAT they, took MCAT. oh ~ The medical assistant?


Karen she has legal? or that is Sandra Bullock, the Office Legal assistant, not lawyers. Assistant lawyer office.

Does that make you happy, Hailey's father? Are you serious?


 PCAT is so long ago.

I tutor Chemistry.

Me and Adam talk every day, I am so fed up, I am not sure if I was preparing that chemistry test I took in UK, so I pass that exam not to take general chemistry in University of Kentucky. 

That much details, I remember. Ella Enchanted.

Then in UB.

I have a lot of activities to stay in school, not to bring a textbook how do I study. I live in South Campus, its very difficult to walk.

So normally I got home, I study things, or writing any subjects.

Math is not a subjects really, but they are like kingdom garden assignments.

Chemsitry, I already repeat, so many times. Dr. T class, was an introduction to chemistry. So its just his notes....that is everything I already know it.

So every year after Junior, I tutor, Junior year and senior year.

Oh, When I took PCAT?

Before I graduate.

So last year, I was all free? Correct.

That is after Tamang and Dean leaves, my perfect quiet life to go and become initiated, the whole year, I am waiting for that day. That last year was Bio 403 and medicinal chemistry....

They are very hard.

I tutor students, they come in with labs, a lot of labs. They ask me textbook? I am not even sure.

I think organic chemistry students, they are being serious, they ask me the first question of their textbook, I was so shocking !!!

There are people doing the textbook questions?

Organic chemistry is composed of C, H, and where is O?

Total that is 100%, I told that guy or girl.

They only tell you C and H.

Have I ever look at the textbook?

They ask me, I look at it.

That day, they ask me. Correct. But I believe after that day, I will be looking at every question maybe, but I don't remember. 

I may not actually know anything about organic...now I think of.

Every question including the back questions? No, I didn't do that. Not really.

In the end of semester, what I do, its I review the entire book for them. 

That was it.

So the general chemistry textbook, have I do any question in it?

I do not remember. Dr. T uses notes...he didn't say textbook or he has assign problems, those are homeworks, he assigned them. Now I think I remember something, there is a TA offices. Jonathon went, so if these questions are so difficults, we would be asking the TA these textbook questions right?

I remember the lab questions, I remember that much.








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