2021年9月6日 星期一

饒邦的爸跟他的朋友不會做出那種事情 | Pang’s father + his friends would not do those things.


A mature person can do mature person things.

Not to be Ghosty 不會做鬼魂

Sit there order a lot of food for you to eat.

They willing to provide.

No drugs

 No addiction to alcohol 酒精上癮

No smoking their lungs out !

Try to be a father they can do, watching over each other as the most basic human level things? 做人最基本人該做的事情!

They have family they grow for 40 years. 他們養他們家人 40 年

Joey have a family too, he used to talk about his younger years buy car, later he shows real estate, = he go talking to someone for a mortgage to start a basic human does things = to provide? Nurture something he thinks God meant he should do it?

你們在吹毀事情 … …




 星兒 https://youtu.be/hgNCbff9byA Tiffany necklace it’s very pretty !! I had it. 🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌸🌸🌸🌺🌺🌺🌸 所有人都是為了一樣的名聲利 ../ 同樣的同意...